Dim EN As rdoEnvironment
Dim CN As rdoConnection
Dim CL As rdoColumn
Public mySQL As String
Public Sub RegisterDataSource()
'What this sub does is registers a datasource in the

'ODBC object in Control Panel.This is so the RDO can

'Talk to the SQL server.

On Error Goto Handle
Dim strAttribs As String
Dim x
'This will build a string containing the attributes

'Description - Just a general desc. of the server

'OemToAnsi - Just keep it on NO

'Server - The name of the server your connecting to

'Network - Type of connection. DBMSSOCN = TCP/IP.

'The only other one you should use would be Named

'Pipes, but only if your on a Lan Database - Name

'of the database to connect to

strAttribs = "Description=" _
& "Description of server" _
& vbCrLf & "OemToAnsi=No" _
& vbCrLf & "SERVER=Server_Name" _
& vbCrLf & "Network=DBMSSOCN" _
& vbCrLf & "Database=database_name" _
& vbCrLf & "Address="
'Create new registered DSN.Leave this

rdoEngine.rdoRegisterDataSource "Table_name", _
"SQL Server", True, strAttribs
'only thing you should change in this would

'be the Table_Name, and Read Only

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'We will set up everything we need here

Dim max As Long
'Set the environment for the rdo engine

Set EN = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0)
'Define the cursor driver

EN.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
'Open a connection to the SQL database

Set CN = EN.OpenConnection("Table_Name", dbDriverNoPrompt, _
False, "driver=SQLServer; database=Database_Name; _
uid=User_ID; pwd=PASSWORD;")
'Set the SQL command - For now, we will select all of the fields

'from the record if the UserID field is equal to 'Dustin'

mySQL = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID='Dustin'"
'Users = The table name

'This will query the database with the SQL command you gave above.

Set RS = CN.OpenResultset(mySQL, rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly, _
rdAsyncEnable + rdExecDirect)
'this will get the total # of records itfound.

max = CInt(CN.LastQueryResults.RowCount)
'The results are stored in the CL variable. We will have to set them

Set CL = RS.rdoColumns(0)
text1.Text = CL.Value
Set CL = RS.rdoColumns(1)
text2.Text = CL.Value
CN.Close 'Close connection With DB
EN.Close 'Close the environment
Exit Sub 'gotta Do this so it wont go streight through and Error out
'if there was no err.

If Err.Number = 40006 Then 'this will popup if nothing was found
MsgBox "No records Found"
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
End Sub

refrence to Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0
refrence To ODBC Driver & data source name functions

( adordo.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023