
Private Function MyDebugMsg(ByVal aMessage _
As String) As Boolean
' This function is used for expediting

' development

If MsgBox(aMessage, vbOKCancel, _
"OK puts you into the Error Trap") = vbOK Then
MyDebugMsg = False
MyDebugMsg = True
End If
End Function

' Sample sub

Public Sub SetColor()
On Error GoTo SetColorError
' body of the subroutine would go here,

' force an error to demonstrate

Error 5
Exit Sub
' In an error trap place this line in addition to any

' other error handling code

Debug.Assert MyDebugMsg(Err.Description & " in SetColor")
'other error handling code

Resume SetColorErrorExit
End Sub

Placing a message box in an error trap can provide useful
debugging information, but it doesn't allow you to return
to the subroutine or function to poke around and further
debug the code. This version of a message box expedites
design-time debugging by breaking execution if the developer
presses OK:

( advancedebug.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023