Aggiungere in campo OLE un file excell

Option Explicit

Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

' Create a new Excel worksheet...

OLE1.CreateEmbed vbNullString, "Excel.Sheet"

' Now, pre-fill it with some data you

' can use. The OLE.Object property returns a

' workbook object, and you can use Sheets(1)

' to get the first sheet.

Dim arrData(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Set oBook = OLE1.object
Set oSheet = oBook.Sheets(1)

' It is much more efficient to use an array to

' pass data to Excel than to push data over

' cell-by-cell, so you can use an array.

' Add some column headers to the array...

arrData(1, 2) = "April"
arrData(1, 3) = "May"
arrData(1, 4) = "June"
arrData(1, 5) = "July"

' Add some row headers...

arrData(2, 1) = "John"
arrData(3, 1) = "Sally"
arrData(4, 1) = "Charles"
arrData(5, 1) = "Toni"

' Now add some data...

For i = 2 To 5
For j = 2 To 5
arrData(i, j) = 350 + ((i + j) Mod 3)
Next j
Next i

' Assign the data to Excel...

oSheet.Range("A3:E7").Value = arrData

oSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Test Data"
oSheet.Range("B9:E9").FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-5]C:R[-2]C)"

' Do some auto formatting...


Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Enabled = True
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

' Create an embedded object using the data

' stored in Test.xls.<?xm-insertion_mark_start author="v-thomr" time="20070327T040420-0600"?> If this code is run in Microsoft Office

' Excel 2007, <?xm-insertion_mark_end?><?xm-deletion_mark author="v-thomr" time="20070327T040345-0600" data=".."?><?xm-insertion_mark_start author="v-thomr" time="20070327T040422-0600"?>change the file name to Test.xlsx.<?xm-insertion_mark_end?>

OLE1.CreateEmbed "C:\Test.xls"

Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Enabled = True
Exit Sub

MsgBox "The file 'C:\Test.xls' does not exist" & _
" or cannot be opened.", vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error Resume Next

' Delete the existing test file (if any)...

Kill "C:\Test.xls"

' Save the file as a native XLS file...

oBook.SaveAs "C:\Test.xls"
Set oBook = Nothing
Set oSheet = Nothing

' Close the OLE object and remove it...


Command1.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = True
Command3.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Caption = "Create"
Command2.Caption = "Open"
Command3.Caption = "Save"
Command3.Enabled = False
End Sub

( aggiungereincampooleunfileexcell.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023