
Public Sub AResize(ByRef arrArray As Variant, _
ByVal intSize As Integer, Optional _
ByVal boolClear As Boolean)
' Resize the array to a new given size

If boolClear Then
' Clear all existing items

ReDim arrArray(intSize)
' Preserve all existing items

ReDim Preserve arrArray(intSize)
End If
End Sub

arrArray As Variant
The array To resize
intSize As Integer
The number of empty items/"storage index" to:
add If positive; or remove if negative
boolClear As Boolean
Indicate To preserve or clear contents when resizing the array

Care must be practived to avoid loss of data when
adding items. The function preserves existing items
by default To ensure resizing the array correctly
use the syntax: AResize(arrName, UBound(arrName) + intUpDown)
Where intUpDown may be either a positive or a negative integer.

( arrayresize.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023