
Public Function Download(cTempFile As String, cURLFile As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo DownloadError
Dim b() As Byte
' Make Temp File Name

Open cTempFile For Binary Access Write As #1
' Download File

b() = Inet1.OpenURL(cURLFile, icByteArray)
Put #1, , b()
Close #1
' Transfer Success !

Download = True
Exit Function
' Transfer Error !

Download = False
End Function

We needs make a CONST, for define your last files version.

If your program is changed, always do you need change the
CONST too ... and Insert the same version number inside a FILE.TXT

Const MY_VERSION = 1.05

Now... go to Update function.
This function, return TRUE if need update or FALSE if not.

Public Function Update() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim lReturn As Boolean
Dim cVersion As String
' Initialization

lReturn = False
' Download FILE.TXT

If Download( "c:\temp.txt", " <>" ) Then
' Get the Version

Open "c:\temp.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, cVersion
Close #1
' Delete Temporary File

Kill "c:\temp.txt"
' Need Update ?

If cVersion <> "" And MY_VERSION < cVersion Then
' Download the Trojan

lReturn = Download( "c:\temp.exe", " <>" )
' Return

Update = lReturn
End Function

Now... In the Form_Load() function, insert the code:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function CopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" _
(ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, _
ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cEXEName As String
Dim cOldFile As String
' Get the Command Line

cOldFile = Command()
If cOldFile <> "" Then
' Is a Valid File ?

If Dir( cOldFile ) <> "" Then
' Get the Full EXE Path

cEXEName = App.Path
If Right$( cEXEName, 1 ) <> "\" Then
cEXEName = cEXEName + "\"
End If
cEXEName = cEXEName + App.EXEName + ".exe"
' Copy the New Version over old...

SetAttr cOldFile, vbNormal
CopyFile cEXEName, cOldFile, False
' Start the New Program

Shell cOldFile, vbHide
' End Temporary File

End If
' Delete Temporary File... If Exist

If Dir( "c:\temp.exe" ) <> "" Then
SetAttr "c:\temp.exe", vbNormal
Kill "c:\temp.exe"
End If
End If
End Sub

In the Command1_Click() Event, insert the code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim cEXEName

' Need Update?

If Update() Then

' Get the Full EXE Path

cEXEName = App.Path

If Right$( cEXEName, 1 ) <> "\" Then
cEXEName = cEXEName + "\"
End If

cEXEName = cEXEName + App.EXEName + ".exe"

' Start the Program

Shell "c:\temp.exe " + cEXEName, vbHide

' Teminate

End If
End Sub

I'm repeating the full code here:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function CopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" _
(ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, _
ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long

Const MY_VERSION = 1.05

Public Function Update() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

Dim lReturn As Boolean
Dim cVersion As String

' Initialization

lReturn = False

' Download FILE.TXT

If Download( "c:\temp.txt", " <>" ) Then

' Get the Version

Open "c:\temp.txt" For Input As #1

Line Input #1, cVersion

Close #1

' Delete Temporary File

Kill "c:\temp.txt"

' Need Update ?

If cVersion <> "" And MY_VERSION < cVersion Then

' Download the Trojan

lReturn = Download( "c:\temp.exe", " <>" )

' Return

Update = lReturn
End Function

Public Function Download(cTempFile As String, cURLFile As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo DownloadError

Dim b() As Byte

' Make Temp File Name

Open cTempFile For Binary Access Write As #1

' Download File

b() = Inet1.OpenURL(cURLFile, icByteArray)
Put #1, , b()

Close #1

' Transfer Success !

Download = True
Exit Function

' Transfer Error !

Download = False
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cEXEName As String

Dim cOldFile As String

' Get the Command Line

cOldFile = Command()

If cOldFile <> "" Then

' Is a Valid File ?

If Dir( cOldFile ) <> "" Then

' Get the Full EXE Path

cEXEName = App.Path

If Right$( cEXEName, 1 ) <> "\" Then
cEXEName = cEXEName + "\"
End If

cEXEName = cEXEName + App.EXEName + ".exe"

' Copy the New Version over old...

SetAttr cOldFile, vbNormal
CopyFile cEXEName, cOldFile, False

' Start the New Program

Shell cOldFile, vbHide

' End Temporary File

End If

' Delete Temporary File... If Exist

If Dir( "c:\temp.exe" ) <> "" Then
SetAttr "c:\temp.exe", vbNormal
Kill "c:\temp.exe"
End If
End If

' Insert your code ...

' ...

' ...

' ...

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim cEXEName

' Need Update?

If Update() Then

' Get the Full EXE Path

cEXEName = App.Path

If Right$( cEXEName, 1 ) <> "\" Then
cEXEName = cEXEName + "\"
End If

cEXEName = cEXEName + App.EXEName + ".exe"

' Start the Program

Shell "c:\temp.exe " + cEXEName, vbHide

' Teminate

End If
End Sub

( autoupdate.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023