
Const strDataBaseLocation As String = _
[the directory where teh database is; ended with a backslah!]
Const DataBaseNaam As String = _
[the name of the database with extension]
Dim db As Database

Sub Form_Load
Set db = OpenDataBase(strDataBaseLocation & DataBaseNaam)
End Sub

Private Sub mnuDatabase_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim lngResult As Long
Dim lngError As Long
Dim strSource As String
Dim strTarget As String
Dim strTempory As String

On Error GoTo ErrDatabase

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
strSource = strDataBaseLocation & DataBaseNaam
strTempory = Environ("temp") & "\compact.mdb"

On Error GoTo ErrDatabase

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Select Case Index
Case 0 'backup
With mdiMain.CommonDialog1
.filename = "backup"
.DefaultExt = "mdb"
End With
strTarget = CommonDialog1.filename
lngResult = CopyFile(strSource, strTarget, lngError)
Case 1 'import
With CommonDialog1
.filename = "import"
.Filter = "(*.mdb)|*.mdb"
.DefaultExt = "mdb"
End With
strTarget = CommonDialog1.filename
lngResult = CopyFile(strTarget, strSource, lngError)
Case 2 'repair
lngResult = CopyFile(strSource, strTempory, lngError)
RepairDatabase strTempory
Kill strSource
lngResult = CopyFile(strTempory, strSource, lngError)
Case 3 'compact
CompactDatabase strSource, strTempory
Kill strSource
lngResult = CopyFile(strTempory, strSource, lngError)
End Select
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
Exit Sub


End Sub

( backupdb.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023