
Public Function CheckForNewPage(sSpaceNeeded As Single, Optional LeftSet As Single, Optional TopSet As Single, Optional PageNo As Long) As Boolean
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Dim sFontSize As Single
With Printer
If sSpaceNeeded > ((.Height / 1440) - 0.25) Then
sFontSize = .FontSize
.FontSize = 6
PrintPageNo PageNo
.CurrentX = 0.5
.CurrentY = 0.5
Printer.Print "(Cont.)"
If LeftSet = 0 Then .CurrentX = 1 Else .CurrentX = LeftSet
If TopSet = 0 Then .CurrentY = 0.7 Else .CurrentY = TopSet
.FontSize = sFontSize
CheckForNewPage = True
End If
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox Error & vbCr & " NewPage"
End Function

Inputs:sSpaceNeeded =
height of the text your going to print PLUS the current Y coordinate.
Optional LeftSet and TopSet For top and left margines, If applicable
PageNo, a Long variable.

This function is boolean -- returns TRUE if a new
page was generated,this way you not only make your
new page but you know you're consequently back at
the top again.

Assumes:Used with the Printer Object. Can be used
in conjunction with PrintPage No.

( checkprnpage.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023