'To enforce the fastest possible timeout, you can set ConnectionTimeout

'to one. In addition, you can add this code after you close the database

'to make sure the connection is terminated:

db.Close ' Close database, using
' ' database object variable (db).

Start = Timer
Do ' This loop pauses a second
' ' to allow a time-out

FreeLocks ' Tell Microsoft Access
' ' engine that program is idle.

DoEvents ' Tell Windows to do any
' ' pending events.

Loop While Timer <= Start + 1
'This loop delays for a second after the db.Close. The FreeL

' ocks statement tells the database engine that the user is id

' le. If you run the Visual Basic program with ConnectionTimeo

' ut set to one in your VB.INI or .INI file,

' the database engine will disconnect the one-second-old conne

' ction to the server.

Description:The Microsoft Access engine will maintain a pe
persistent connection on an ODBC connection in order to be
more efficient, even after using a Close method on a database
opened with ODBC. The ODBC database process keeps running.
To close the connection successfully, you must end the Visual
Basic application. Even though this is by design, many times
the connection is unwanted. One way to force the connection
closed is to set ConnectionTimeout to the minimum setting of
one second. A setting of zero indicates to never close the
connection. It is defaulted to a value of 600 seconds, or 10
minutes. If a Visual Basic program does not reopen the ODBC
connection after doing a Close method, a timeout occurs and
the connection closes automatically. You can control the
timeout period by placing the following line in your VB.INI
or .INI file, where x is the number of seconds:

( closeodbc.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023