
Private Sub Command1_Click()

'use replace function- 8-10 seconds on 1,00,000;133mhz

'pentium this can be slow ; runs out of memory with

'1,000,000 characters

Dim ret
Dim ct As New CTimer
lastbutton = "Command1"
Me.RichTextBox1.text = Replace$(Me.RichTextBox1.text, "*", "0")
MsgBox ct.finish & "ms", , lastButtonCaption

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
'use mid$

Dim ct As New CTimer
Dim pos As Long
Dim r$
lastbutton = "Command5"
ct.start '
r$ = RichTextBox1.text
'repeatedly find position of character then replace it

pos = 0
pos = InStr(pos + 1, r$, "*")
'If MsgBox(pos, vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub

If pos <= 0 Then Exit Do
Mid$(r$, pos, 1) = "0"

Me.RichTextBox1.text = r$
MsgBox ct.finish & "ms", , lastButtonCaption
End Sub
See the code for details. One interesting feature of this
program is that it tracks the last button you pressed. If you
click the View Code button, the program opens the Visual Basic
source code and displays the code for the last button so you
can see how it works.

Also try the Replace button and the mid$ button
(resetting the text between buttons). This compares using the
Replace statement and Mid$ in a loop to replace a lot of
occurrances of one character with another. Mid$ is more than
10 times faster.

( comparestring.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023