
Function CompactAndRepairDatabase(DatabasePath As String, _
Optional Password As String, _
Optional TempFile As String = "c:\temp.mdb")
If DBEngine.Version < "3.6" Then DBEngine.RepairDatabase DatabasePath
'if no temp file specified, use "c:\temp.mdb"

If TempFile = "" Then TempFile = "c:\temp.mdb"

'delete temp file if it exists

If Dir(TempFile) <> "" Then Kill TempFile

'format password in form of ";pwd=PASSWORD" if password exists

If Password <> "" Then Password = ";pwd=" & Password

'compact db: a new db will be created

DBEngine.CompactDatabase DatabasePath, TempFile, , , Password

'kill first db

Kill DatabasePath

'move compacted db to original db's path

FileCopy TempFile, DatabasePath

'delete temp file

Kill TempFile
End Function

Inputs:DatabasePath: full path to database
Password [optional]: database password
TempFile [optional]: full path To temp file to create

Assumes:Reference Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects)
from Projects->References menu.

REQUIRED: reference Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO)
from Project->References in the VB Menu
this function will compact and repair a db and
replace the original db with the compacted and repaired db

if the DAO version is older than 3.6, then repair the db using
the RepairDatabase method if the DAO version is 3.6 and later,
you don't have to worry about repairing the db because the
CompactDatabase also repairs the db

( compctrepairdb.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023