
Sub Form_Activate ()
Dim CX, I, J, K, L, M, Msg, Offset' Declare variables. '
Cls' Clear form. '
Width = 7200 ' Set form width.'
Height = 5000 ' Set form height. '
BackColor = QBColor(1)' Set background color. '
For I = 1 To 3
Select Case I
Case 1' First time.'
ForeColor = QBColor(9)' Set foreground color. '
K = 1: L = 9: M = 1
Msg = "By"' Set message.'
CX = 0' Set position variable. '
Case 2' Second time.'
K = 1: L = 9: M = 1
Msg = "ZoNe"
CX = ScaleWidth
Case 3' Third time. '
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
K = 9: L = 1: M = -1
Msg = "EnIgMaTiC "
CX = ScaleWidth / 2
End Select
For J = K To L Step M
Select Case J ' Change font size. '
Case 1: Fontsize = 8
Case 2: Fontsize = 10
Case 3: Fontsize = 12
Case 4: Fontsize = 14
Case 5: Fontsize = 18
Case 6: Fontsize = 20
Case 7: Fontsize = 24
Case 8: Fontsize = 36
Case 9: Fontsize = 48
Case 10: Fontsize = 60
Case 11: Fontsize = 72
Case 12: Fontsize = 90
Case 13: Fontsize = 100
Case 14: Fontsize = 150
End Select
If I = 1 Then
Offset = 0' Text On left. '
ElseIf I = 2 Then
Offset = TextWidth(Msg)' Text On right. '
Offset = TextWidth(Msg) / 2' Text in center. '
End If
CurrentX = CX - Offset
Print Msg ' Print message. '
Next J
CurrentY = 0 ' Reset to top of form. '
Next I
End Sub

( cooltext.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023