
Function CopyFile (src As String, dst As String) As Single
Static Buf$
Dim BTest!, FSize!
Dim Chunk%, F1%, F2%
Const BUFSIZE = 1024
'This routine will copy a file while providing a means

'to support a percent gauge. Ex. your display routine

'is called "PercentDone" and accepts the values 0-100.

'Error support is provided.


'A larger BUFSIZE is best, but do not attempt to exceed

'64 K (60000 would be fine)


'The size of the copied file is returned on success

'0 is returned on failure

If Dir(src) = "" Then MsgBox "File not found": Exit Function
If Len(Dir(dst)) Then
If MsgBox(UCase(dst) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "File exists. Overwrite?", 4) _
6 Then Exit Function
Kill dst
End If

On Error GoTo FileCopyError
F1 = FreeFile
Open src For Binary As F1
F2 = FreeFile
Open dst For Binary As F2

FSize = LOF(F1)
BTest = FSize - LOF(F2)
If BTest < BUFSIZE Then
Chunk = BTest
End If
Buf = String(Chunk, " ")
Get F1, , Buf
Put F2, , Buf
BTest = FSize - LOF(F2)
' __Call percent display here__

'PercentDone ( 100 - Int(100 * BTest/FSize) )

Loop Until BTest = 0
Close F1
Close F2
CopyFile = FSize
Exit Function
MsgBox "Copy Error!"
Close F1
Close F2
Exit Function
End Function

'You would use it as (I think - L. Serflaten is this it?)

ProgressBar1.Value = CopyFile (Which_File*, To_Where**)
'* = Which File to copy

'** = To where to copy the File.

( copyfiles.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023