
Dim N As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Dim Xtot As Integer, Ytot As Integer
Xtot = 5 'numero di oggetti in orizzontale
Ytot = 3 'numero di oggetti in verticale
Image1(0).Visible = False
For Y = 1 To Ytot
For X = 1 To Xtot
N = X + ((Y - 1) * Xtot)
Load Image1(N)
Image1(N).Left = (X - 1) * Image1(0).Width
Image1(N).Top = (Y - 1) * Image1(0).Height
Image1(N).Picture = Image1(0).Picture
Image1(N).Visible = True
Next X
Next Y

( copyimage.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023