
Sub Command1_click
Dim antwoord
Dim lokatie$
Dim tb As TableDef
Dim fld As Field
Dim indx As Index
Dim DBNaam$
Dim dbNieuw As Database

'location database

lokatie = InputBox("Where do you want the database placed?", App.Path)
If lokatie = "" Then Unload Form1
If Right(lokatie, 1) <> "\" Then lokatie = lokatie & "\"
'check if directorie exists

antwoord = Dir(lokatie)
'it don't exist so make it

If antwoord = "" Then MkDir (lokatie)
'get name of the new database

antwoord = InputBox("What's the name of the database?")
If antwoord = "" Then Unload Form1
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
'make database

DBNaam$ = lokatie & antwoord & ".mdb"
Set dbNieuw = CreateDatabase(DBNaam$, dbLangGeneral, dbVersion30)
'make a table

Set tb = dbNieuw.CreateTableDef("youretablename")
'make a date-field

Set fld = tb.CreateField("date", dbDate)
tb.Fields.Append fld
'make a meno-field

Set fld = tb.CreateField("omschrijving", dbMemo)
tb.Fields.Append fld
'make a Yes/No field

Set fld = tb.CreateField("alarm", dbBoolean)
tb.Fields.Append fld
'make a text field with a length of 8 characters

Set fld = tb.CreateField("username", dbText, 8)
tb.Fields.Append fld
dbNieuw.TableDefs.Append tb

'make a index on the date-field

Set indx = tb.CreateIndex("date")
Set fld = indx.CreateField("date")
indx.Unique = False
indx.Fields.Append fld
tb.Indexes.Append indx

'make a unique index on the field username

Set indx = tb.CreateIndex("username")
Set fld = indx.CreateField("username")
indx.Unique = True
indx.Fields.Append fld
tb.Indexes.Append indx

Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal

End Sub

make a form1 with one command-button on it
place the code in the Click_event

( createdb1.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023