
Label1.Caption = "&Name"
Label2.Caption = "&Address"
Label3.Caption = "&Phone"
' This will cause the N, A and P of each label to appear underlined on

' the form and make Alt-N, Alt-A and Alt-P hot keys for each label.

' Now make the tab stops for the controls as follows:

Label1.TabStop = 0 Text1.TabStop = 1
Label2.TabStop = 2 Text2.TabStop = 3
Label3.TabStop = 4 Text3.TabStop = 4
' The label sends tab to the next control in the tab order.

Here's how to create keyboard hot key labels for controls.
Put three text boxes on a form (stacked).
To the left of each text box but a label control.
Make the captions of the label controls:

( cryptstring.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023