
'general declaration area

Dim strDBGridCell As String

Private Sub DBGrid1_AfterColEdit(ByVal ColIndex As Integer)
DBGrid1.Columns(ColIndex) = strDBGridCell
End Sub

Private Sub DBGrid1_BeforeColEdit(ByVal ColIndex As Integer, ByVal KeyAscii
As Integer, Cancel As Integer)
strDBGridCell = InputBox("Edit DBGrid Cell:", , DBGrid1.Columns(ColIndex))
End Sub

'Now whenever you attempt to edit any cell in the DBGrid,

'you'll see the InputBox prompt you for input.

'You can replace the InputBox with any other

'custom dialog you wish to build.

It's easy to add custom input dialogs to al the cells in the
Microsoft Data Bound Grid control.
First, add a DBGrid control and Data control to your form.
Next, set the DatabaseName and RecordSource properties of
the data control to a valid database and table ("biblio.mdb"
and "Publishers" for example). Then set the DataSource
property of the DBGrid control to Data1 (the data control).
Now add the following code to your form.

( custdialoggridcell.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023