
Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Goto errorhandler
'To use this routine you MUST have yourcommand _

'as a SQL statement and have a valid statement _

'within it.DataEnvironment1.Commands.Item("Command1").

'CommandText = Text1.Text

'You must manually rebind your datagrid to activate the

'Required commands

With DataGrid1
.DataMember = "Command1"
Set .DataSource = DataEnvironment1
End With

'You must close the recordset between commands

Exit Sub
Call errorRoutine
Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

'Valad Tables: Titles, Publishers, Authors, 'Title Author'

'NOTE: you must put single ' around Title Author.

On Error Goto errorhandler
'To use this routine you MUST have yourcommand as a

'DataObject statement and have a valid Object and _

'Object name within it.

DataEnvironment1.Commands.Item(2).CommandText = Text2.Text

'You must manually rebind your datagrid to activate the

'Required commands

With DataGrid1
.DataMember = "Command2"
Set .DataSource = DataEnvironment1
End With
'You must close the recordset between commands

Exit Sub
Call errorRoutine
Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error Goto errorhandler
'To use this routine you MUST have yourcommand as a SQL

'statement and have a valid statement within it. Use the ?

'To indicate the Paramater. Make sure your Parameter

'settings are correct.

DataEnvironment1.Command3 Text3.Text
'You must manually rebind your datagrid to activate the

'Required commands

With DataGrid1
.DataMember = "Command3"
Set .DataSource = DataEnvironment1
End With
'You must close the recordset between commands

Exit Sub
Call errorRoutine
Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub errorRoutine()
MsgBox ("You must have appropriate commands In the textbox")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox "Valid Tables: Titles, Publishers, Authors, _
'Title Author'"

'NOTE: you must put single ' around Title Author."

Label1.Caption = " Enter SQL statement"
Text1.Text = "Select * From Titles"
Command1.Caption = "Run SQL statement"
Label2.Caption = "Enter Table Name"
Text2.Text = "Authors"
Command2.Caption = "Run Table Statement"
Label3.Caption = "Enter Year To search Publisher"
Text3.Text = "1985"
Command3.Caption = "Run Paramater Statement"
End Sub Assumes:Must be able to get the Data Environment

'DataEnvironment is one item that is hard to find _

Detail information about how To use it. I truly _
Believe VB's DataEnvironment is the way To go _
But using it takes time. This program will go _
over some way's To make your data-environment more _
Flexable during run-time operations that is Not _
usually covered In the majority books available To users.

When making changes be sure the Table,Field,Record is
within the database.
Open a dataproject if you already have a form open
Then you will have To add a DataEnvironment To your
project within data environment make a connection to
Biblio.mdb (comes With VB usually In dir
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\Biblio.mdb
Create a command Add an SQL statement:

Select * from Authors
Create another command add a Data object-Database as
TABLE Object will be TITLES.
Create a another command add a SQL statement: _

Select Titles.* FROM Titles WHERE (`Year Published` = ?) _
In the Paramaters Tab Set DATA Type as SMLINT and _

Add To the from a DataGrid, Three CommandButtons, _
Three Labels With TextBox For Each

( dataenviron.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023