DataTable - Impostazioni !!!

DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
tbl.Columns.Add("code", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
tbl.Columns.Add("desc", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
tbl.Columns.Add("other1", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
tbl.Rows.Add("aaa", "the a thing", "");
tbl.Rows.Add("code2", "code #2", "");
tbl.Rows.Add("code3", "code #3", "");
tbl.Rows.Add("code4", "code #4", "just a code");
tbl.Rows.Add("widget", "some sort of device", "");
tbl.Rows.Add("code5", "code #5", "");
tbl.Rows.Add("rush", "awesome rock group", "");

//these are required
dataCombobox1.TblData = tbl;
dataCombobox1.ValueColumn = "code";

//these are optional
//by default you will see all the columns in your table
//use ColumnNameList to make it show just certain columns
//this is a pipe delimited list
dataCombobox1.ColumnNameList = "code|desc";

//use ColumnHeaderList to define the text that show in the column headers
dataCombobox1.ColumnHeaderList = "Code|Description";

//you can control the width of the columns
dataCombobox1.WidthList = "50|200";

//you can control the width and height of the grid
dataCombobox1.PopupWidth = 300;
dataCombobox1.PopupHeight = 200;

( datatableimpostazioni.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023