
Option Explicit
Const Err_UnexpectedChar = 1 + vbObjectError + 512
Const Err_UnexpectedEnd = 2 + vbObjectError + 512
Dim mintPosDay As Integer
Dim mintPosMonth As Integer
Dim mintPosYear As Integer
Dim mstrDelim As String
Dim maMonthNames As Variant
Dim mintDay As Integer
Dim mintMonth As Integer
Dim mintYear As Integer
Dim mcntDMY_value As Integer
Dim mcntDMY_format As Integer

Private Property Let DMY_format(s As String)

'called by the parser to assign the position of day,

'month and year in the format string

Select Case s
Case "d":mintPosDay = mcntDMY_format
Case "m":mintPosMonth = mcntDMY_format
Case "y":mintPosYear = mcntDMY_format
End Select

mcntDMY_format = mcntDMY_format + 1
End Property

Private Property Let Delim(s As String)
'delimiter between day, month and year

If mstrDelim <> "" Then
If mstrDelim <> s Then
Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If
mstrDelim = s
End If
End Property

Private Property Get Delim() As String
Delim = mstrDelim
End Property

Private Sub CheckDelim(ch As String)
'check whether delimiter matches the format

If ch <> mstrDelim Then
Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If
End Sub

Private Property Let DMY_value(s As String)
'check the passed string and assign it to the

'appropriate member

Select Case mcntDMY_value
Case mintPosYear
mintYear = s
Case mintPosDay
mintDay = s
Case mintPosMonth
If Val(s) = 0 Then
'seems to be a month name

'get the month index

If IsEmpty(maMonthNames) Then
'need the month names

Err.Raise 13 'ok,
'Type mismatch' doesn't fit perfectly

End If
Dim i%

For i = 0 To 11
If LCase(maMonthNames(i)) = LCase(s) Then
mintMonth = i + 1
Exit For
End If

'assign month index

mintMonth = Val(s)
End If
End Select


mcntDMY_value = mcntDMY_value + 1

End Property

Public Property Let DateFormat(ByVal s As String)
mcntDMY_format = 0 'init
'This code was generated by Klemens' Lex4VB

'Get it from

Dim Token$
Dim State%, OldState%
Dim Cnt%
Dim ch$
Dim p%
On Error Goto Trap
p = 1: State = 0: OldState = -1
s = s & Chr(0)
Do While p <= Len(s)
If State = OldState Then Cnt = Cnt + 1 Else Cnt = 0
OldState = State
ch = Mid$(s, p, 1)
Select Case State

Case 0:
If ch Like "[dmy]" Then
DMY_format = ch
State = 1
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

Case 1:
If ch Like "[-/.]" Then
Delim = ch
State = 2
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

Case 2:
If ch Like "[dmy]" Then
DMY_format = ch
State = 3
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If
Case 3:
If ch Like "[-/.]" Then
Delim = ch
State = 4
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

Case 4:
If ch Like "[dmy]" Then
DMY_format = ch
State = 5
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

Case 5:
If Asc(ch) = 0 Then
State = 5
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If
End Select
p = p + 1
If State <> 5 Then Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedEnd
Exit Property

If Err.Number = Err_UnexpectedEnd Or ch = vbNullChar Then
Err.Description = "Unexpected End of string"
Err.Description = "Unexpected character " & ch & " _
at position " & p
End If
Err.Raise Err.Number

End Property

Public Property Let MonthNames(a As Variant)
If UBound(a) <> 11 Then
Err.Raise 9 'subscript out of range
End If
maMonthNames = a
End Property

Public Function ConvertDate(DateString As String, _
Optional DateFormat As String)
mcntDMY_value = 0
If Len(DateFormat) > 0 Then
Me.DateFormat = DateFormat
End If
ParseDate DateString
ConvertDate = DateSerial(mintYear, mintMonth, mintDay)
End Function

Sub ParseDate(ByVal s As String)
'This code was generated by Klemens' Lex4VB

'Get it from

Dim Token$
Dim State%, OldState%
Dim Cnt%
Dim ch$
Dim p%
On Error Goto Trap
p = 1: State = 0: OldState = -1
s = s & Chr(0)
Do While p <= Len(s)
If State = OldState Then Cnt = Cnt + 1 Else Cnt = 0
OldState = State
ch = Mid$(s, p, 1)
Select Case State

Case 0:
If ch Like "[0-9a-zA-Z]" Then
If Cnt > 3 Then Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
Token = Token & ch
State = 0
ElseIf ch Like "[-/.]" Then
DMY_value = Token: CheckDelim ch
Token = ""
State = 1
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar

End If

Case 1:
If ch Like "[0-9a-zA-Z]" Then
If Cnt > 3 Then Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
Token = Token & ch
State = 1
ElseIf ch Like "[-/.]" Then
DMY_value = Token: CheckDelim ch
Token = ""
State = 2
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

Case 2:
If ch Like "[0-9a-zA-Z]" Then
If Cnt > 3 Then Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
Token = Token & ch
State = 2
ElseIf Asc(ch) = 0 Then
DMY_value = Token
State = 2
Else: Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedChar
End If

End Select
p = p + 1
If State <> 2 Then Err.Raise Err_UnexpectedEnd
Exit Sub

If Err.Number = Err_UnexpectedEnd Or ch = vbNullChar Then
Err.Description = "Unexpected End of string"
Err.Description = "Unexpected character " & ch & _
" at position " & p
End If
Err.Raise Err.Number
End Sub
Inputs:Date in an arbitrary format and a format string
describing this format, es. m-d-y, y-m-d, m/d/y, d.m.y.

It can be used e.g. for conversion of dates found in
Web pages. It can handle numeric months as well as month names.
Sample for using this class:

Dim oDF as New clsDateFormat
oDF.MonthNames = Array("Jan", "Feb", "M
ar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
MsgBox oDF.ConvertDate("2000-Sep-01", "y-m-d")

( dateformat.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023