
Public Function GetFileType(xFile As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim ID As String * 300
If Dir$(xFile) = "" Then
GetFileType = "NOT FOUND"
Exit Function
End If

Open xFile For Binary Access Read As #1
Get #1, 1, ID
Close #1

If Left(ID, 2) = "MZ" Or Left(ID, 2) = "ZM" Then
GetFileType = "PE Executable"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 1) = "[" And InStr(1, Left(ID, 100), "]") > 0 Then
GetFileType = "INI File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Mid(ID, 9, 8) = "AVI LIST" Then
GetFileType = "AVI Movie File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 4) = "RIFF" Then
GetFileType = "WAV Audio File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 4) = Chr(208) & Chr(207) & Chr(17) & Chr(224) Then
GetFileType = "Microsoft Word Document"
Exit Function
ElseIf Mid(ID, 5, 15) = "Standard Jet DB" Then
GetFileType = "Microsoft Access Database"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 3) = "GIF" Or InStr(1, ID, "GIF89") > 0 Then
GetFileType = "GIF Image File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 1) = Chr(255) And Mid(ID, 5, 1) = Chr(0) Then
GetFileType = "MP3 Audio File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 2) = "BM" Then
GetFileType = "BMP (Bitmap) Image File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 3) = "II*" Then
GetFileType = "TIFF Image File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 2) = "PK" Then
GetFileType = "ZIP Archive File"
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr(1, LCase(ID), "<html>") > 0 Or InStr(1, LCase(ID), "<!doctype") > 0 Then
GetFileType = "HTML Document File"
Exit Function
ElseIf UCase(Left(ID, 3)) = "RAR" Then
GetFileType = "RAR Archive File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 2) = Chr(96) & Chr(234) Then
GetFileType = "ARJ Archive File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 3) = Chr(255) & Chr(216) & Chr(255) Then
GetFileType = "JPEG Image File"
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr(1, ID, "Type=") > 0 And InStr(1, ID, "Reference=") > 0 Then
GetFileType = "Visual Basic Project File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 8) = "VBGROUP " Then
GetFileType = "Visual Basic Group Project File"
Exit Function
ElseIf Left(ID, 8) = "VERSION " & InStr(1, ID, vbCrLf & "Begin") > 0 Then
GetFileType = "Visual Basic Form File"
Exit Function
'Unknown file... make a weak attempt to

'determine if the file is text or binary

If InStr(1, ID, Chr$(255)) > 0 Or InStr(1, ID, _
Chr$(1)) > 0 Or InStr(1, ID, Chr$(2)) > 0 Or _
InStr(1, ID, Chr$(3)) > 0 Then
GetFileType = "Unknown binary file"
GetFileType = "Unknown text file"
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function Inputs:
'Public Function GetFileType(xFile As String)

'xFile is the full path:\filename of the file to test.

Returns a string indicating the filetype, or if the
file is an unknown text or unknown binary file.

( detecttype.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023