
Sub SetDeviceIndependentWindow(TheForm As Form)

Dim DesignX%
Dim DesignY%
Dim XFactor As Single
Dim YFactor As Single
Dim Z As Integer
XFactor = Screen.Width / 9600
YFactor = Screen.Height / 7200

If XFactor = 1 And YFactor = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If

TheForm.Move = TheForm.Left * XFactor, TheForm.Top * YFactor, _
TheForm.Width * XFactor, TheForm.Height * YFactor

For Z = 0 To TheForm.Controls.Count - 1
'If TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is CommonDialog Then

If TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is Timer Then

ElseIf TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is Menu Then

ElseIf TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is Line Then

ElseIf TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is DriveListBox Then
TheForm.Controls(Z).Move TheForm.Controls(Z).Left * XFactor, _
TheForm.Controls(Z).Top, TheForm.Controls(Z).Width * YFactor

ElseIf TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is ComboBox Then

If TheForm.Controls(Z).Style 1 Then
TheForm.Controls(Z).Move TheForm.Controls(Z).Left * XFactor, _
TheForm.Controls(Z).Top * YFactor, TheForm.Controls(Z).Width * XFactor
End If
TheForm.Controls(Z).Move TheForm.Controls(Z).Left * XFactor, _
TheForm.Controls(Z).Top * YFactor, TheForm.Controls(Z).Width * _
XFactor, TheForm.Controls(Z).Height * YFactor

If TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is TextBox Then
TheForm.Controls(Z).FontSize = TheForm.Controls(Z).FontSize * XFactor
ElseIf TypeOf TheForm.Controls(Z) Is Label Then
TheForm.Controls(Z).FontSize = TheForm.Controls(Z).FontSize * XFactor
End If
End If

Next Z

End Sub

( dinamresize.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023