Disegnare una picture BitMap()

Public Class Form1
' Create and display a bitmap.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Make the Bitmap.

Dim bm As New Bitmap(200, 150)

' Make an associated Graphics object.

Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm)
' Draw.

gr.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
Using thick_pen As New Pen(Color.Red, 5)
gr.DrawEllipse(thick_pen, 3, 3, 195, 145)

thick_pen.Color = Color.Green
gr.DrawLine(thick_pen, 3, 3, 197, 147)

thick_pen.Color = Color.Blue
gr.DrawLine(thick_pen, 3, 147, 197, 3)
End Using
End Using

' Display the result in a PictureBox.

picResult.Image = bm
End Sub
End Class

( disegnareunapicturebitmap.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023