
Const sBaseURL = "http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/"
Set sourceWin = external.menuArguments
Set activePage = sourceWin.document
Set activeSelection = activePage.selection ' This gives us the highlited text
Set rngActive = activeSelection.createRange
ArticleID = rngActive.Text
If ArticleID <>"" Then
KnowledgeBaseURL = sBaseURL & Left(ArticleID, 4) & "/" & _
Mid(ArticleID,5,1) & "/" & _
Right(ArticleID,2) & ".asp"
window.Open KnowledgeBaseURL,Null,"resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,width=790,height=590"
MsgBox "Q number not specified"
End If
Displaying Knowledge Base Articles
June 30, 1999

I often see a reference To a Knowledge Base article With no
Q-number hyperlink To take Me there. I have To copy the
Q number, paste it into the Microsoft search page,
And click On the resulting article.

A custom context menu For IE that allows Me To highlight a Q
number In the browser, Right-click On it, And Select
Knowledge Base from the menu. This loads the Knowledge Base
article In a New browser window.

With the information provided by MSDN, I was able To achieve
this. Knowledge Base articles have a simple URL which can
easily be derived from the Q number.
I used VBScript because the String manipulation Is rather
simple. The following registry entry Is required To try it
out (Or you can just run this file ):

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Knowledge Base]

Default value="http://wsh.glazier.co.nz/knowledgebase.htm"
Binary Value "Contexts"=Hex:10

Here Is the source code:

( displaykbasearticles.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023