
Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long
Y As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function SetPixel& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, _
ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long)
Private Declare Function LineTo& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, _
ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Private Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, _
ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

' Create a form with a 3D gradient frame


' Pass this a borderless form

' You get better results with AutoRedraw set to TRUE

' and with HiLiteCol and ShadowCol "close" to the

' form's BackColor


' It draws a series of lines around the form

' starting on the outside and moving one pixel inward with each line

' the number of lines is determined by the "Steps" value that is passed.

' The Left and Top use the "HiliteCol" value

' the Right and Bottom use the "ShadowCol" value.

' Swap them to get a sunken effect

' Call this routine from within Form_Load, as in:

' Sub Form_Load()

' Const MyBackgroundColor = 16119262

' Const MyShadowColor = 14474381

' Const MyHiLiteColor = 15329769

' Me.BackColor = MyBackgroundColor

' DrawHighliteGradientFrame Me, MyHiLiteColor, MyShadowColor, 7

' End Sub

Sub DrawHighliteGradientFrame(FormIn As Form, ByVal HiLiteCol As Long, _
ByVal ShadowCol As Long, ByVal Steps As Integer)
' exit if the form is minimized

If FormIn.WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub

Dim InnerCol As Long
Dim R_Inner As Long, G_Inner As Long, B_Inner As Long
Dim R_HiLite As Long, G_HiLite As Long, B_HiLite As Long
Dim R_Shadow As Long, G_Shadow As Long, B_Shadow As Long
Dim R_HiLiteIncr As Single, G_HiLiteIncr As Single, B_HiLiteIncr As Single,
Dim R_HiLiteCur As Single, G_HiLiteCur As Single, B_HiLiteCur As Single
Dim R_ShadowIncr As Single, G_ShadowIncr As Single, B_ShadowIncr As Single,
Dim R_ShadowCur As Single, G_ShadowCur As Single, B_ShadowCur As Single
Dim sTemp As String, i As Integer, WD As Long, HT As Long, DC As Long
Dim pos As Integer, LP As POINTAPI, LongVal As Long
Dim oldScaleMode As Integer, oldForeColor As Long

' switch to pixel scalemode

oldForeColor = FormIn.ForeColor
oldScaleMode = FormIn.ScaleMode
FormIn.ScaleMode = vbPixels

'Set the form width, height & DC

With FormIn
WD = .ScaleWidth - 1
HT = .ScaleHeight - 1
DC = .hDC
End With

'convert the hilite color from long to RGB

R_HiLite = (HiLiteCol And &HFF&)
G_HiLite = (HiLiteCol And &HFF00&) / &H100&
B_HiLite = (HiLiteCol And &HFF0000) / &H10000

'convert the shadow color from long to RGB

R_Shadow = (ShadowCol And &HFF&)
G_Shadow = (ShadowCol And &HFF00&) / &H100&
B_Shadow = (ShadowCol And &HFF0000) / &H10000

'convert the inner color from long to RGB

InnerCol = FormIn.BackColor
R_Inner = (InnerCol And &HFF&)
G_Inner = (InnerCol And &HFF00&) / &H100&
B_Inner = (InnerCol And &HFF0000) / &H10000

'set the increments

R_HiLiteIncr = (R_HiLite - R_Inner) / Steps
G_HiLiteIncr = (G_HiLite - G_Inner) / Steps
B_HiLiteIncr = (B_HiLite - B_Inner) / Steps
R_ShadowIncr = (R_Shadow - R_Inner) / Steps
G_ShadowIncr = (G_Shadow - G_Inner) / Steps
B_ShadowIncr = (B_Shadow - B_Inner) / Steps

'initialize the current colors

R_HiLiteCur = R_HiLite
G_HiLiteCur = G_HiLite
B_HiLiteCur = B_HiLite
R_ShadowCur = R_Shadow
G_ShadowCur = G_Shadow
B_ShadowCur = B_Shadow

With FormIn
For i = 0 To Steps - 1
'draw clockwise from bottom / left

'Use hilite color

'Round the RGB vals to integers and convert to a long color value

LongVal = (Int(B_HiLiteCur) * 65536) + (Int(G_HiLiteCur) * 256) + _

'set the drawing color

.ForeColor = LongVal

'Draw the left and top

MoveToEx DC, i, HT - i, LP 'left
LineTo DC, i, i
MoveToEx DC, i, i, LP 'top
LineTo DC, WD - i, i

'Use shadow color

'Round the RGB vals to integers and convert to a long color value

LongVal = (Int(B_ShadowCur) * 65536) + (Int(G_ShadowCur) * 256) + _

'set the drawing color

.ForeColor = LongVal

'Draw the right and bottom

MoveToEx DC, WD - i, i, LP 'right
LineTo DC, WD - i, HT - i
MoveToEx DC, WD - i, HT - i, LP 'bottom
LineTo DC, i, HT - i

'increment the colors

R_HiLiteCur = R_HiLiteCur - R_HiLiteIncr
G_HiLiteCur = G_HiLiteCur - G_HiLiteIncr
B_HiLiteCur = B_HiLiteCur - B_HiLiteIncr
R_ShadowCur = R_ShadowCur - R_ShadowIncr
G_ShadowCur = G_ShadowCur - G_ShadowIncr
B_ShadowCur = B_ShadowCur - B_ShadowIncr

End With

' restore original values

FormIn.ForeColor = oldForeColor
FormIn.ScaleMode = oldScaleMode

End Sub

( drawframe.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023