
Function GetDriveType(sDrive As String) As Long
'Returns the type of drive specified by sDrive. sDrive is the letter

'of the drive to return the type of.

'The possible return values are:

DRIVE_CDROM 'Drive is a CD-Rom
DRIVE_FIXED 'Drive is a fixed drive (Typically a Hard Drive)

DRIVE_RAMDISK 'Drive is a ramdisk
DRIVE_REMOTE 'Drive is a remote (network) drive.
DRIVE_REMOVEABLE 'Drive is a removeable drive (Typically a floppy
' drive or other devices such as a ZIP drive.)

DRIVE_UNKNOWN 'Drive is unavailable or the type can not be determined.
'Ex: GetDriveType("C") = DRIVE_FIXED

'See Also: sDriveType()

End Function

( drivetype.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023