Elaborazione Excel


'stampa un calendario dentro Excel


Public Sub ExcellStampaOre(ByVal Anno As Long)
Dim X As Long
Const xlOpenXMLWorkbook As Long = 51
Dim Exc As Object 'To open Excel
Set Exc = CreateObject("Excel.application") 'Creates an object
Exc.Visible = True
Exc.Workbooks.Add 'Adds a new book.

Exc.cells(1, 2).Formula = "Elaborazione turnazioni di lavoro periodo " & Anno
Exc.cells(2, 2).Formula = "Procedura elaborata da Paolo Puglisi con la collaborazione di Andrea Amadio!"

' Inserimento dalla 6° riga della matricola e Nominativo

Dim Riga As Long
Dim Col As Long
Riga = 6

Dim DatPrimaryrs As Recordset
Set DatPrimaryrs = New Recordset
DatPrimaryrs.Open "Select IdUtente, Nominativo, * from Anagrafica where Turnazione = true order by ID", DbAzienda, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Do While Not DatPrimaryrs.EOF

Exc.cells(Riga, 1).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!IdUtente 'Add Text to a Cell
Exc.cells(Riga, 2).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!Nominativo 'Add Text to a Cell

Riga = Riga + 1


Exc.Selection.NumberFormat = "@"


' scrittura intestazione con i blocchi settimanali


'Costante Valore Descrizione

'vbUseSystem 0 Viene utilizzata l'impostazione API National Language Support (NLS).

'vbSunday 1 Domenica (impostazione predefinita)

'vbMonday 2 Lunedi'

'vbTuesday 3 Martedi'

'vbWednesday 4 Mercoledi'

'vbThursday 5 Giovedi'

'vbFriday 6 Venerdi'

'vbSaturday 7 Sabato

Dim MyDate, MyWeekDay
MyDate = "01/01/" & Anno ' Assegna una data.
MyWeekDay = Weekday(MyDate)

Select Case MyWeekDay
Case Is = 1 ' Domenica
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "08/01"
MyDate = "09/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 2 'Lunedi'
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "07/01"
MyDate = "08/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 3 'Martedi'
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "06/01"
MyDate = "07/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 4 'Mercoledi'
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "05/01"
MyDate = "06/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 5 'Giovedi'
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "04/01"
MyDate = "05/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 6 'Venerdi'
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "02/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "03/01"
MyDate = "04/01/" & Anno
Case Is = 7 'Sabato
Exc.cells(4, 3).Formula = "01/01"
Exc.cells(5, 3).Formula = "02/01"
MyDate = "03/01/" & Anno

End Select

Col = 4

' colonne Settimanali


Do While Year(MyDate) < (Anno + 1)
Exc.cells(4, Col).Formula = Day(MyDate) & "/" & Month(MyDate)
MyDate = DateAdd("D", 6, MyDate)
Exc.cells(5, Col).Formula = Day(MyDate) & "/" & Month(MyDate)
MyDate = DateAdd("D", 1, MyDate)

Col = Col + 1

Dim ColonneTotale As Long
ColonneTotale = Col - 1

Riga = 6
Dim Rs As New Recordset
Do While Not DatPrimaryrs.EOF
Rs.Open "Select * from Sequenza where IdUtente = '" & DatPrimaryrs!IdUtente & "' AND gestione = " & Anno & " order by mese", DbAzienda, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Col = 3
Do While Not Rs.EOF
If Mid(Rs!Turno1, 1, 1) = "M" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioMattina
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno1, 1, 1) = "N" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioNotturno
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno1, 1, 1) = "P" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioPomeriggio
End If
Col = Col + 1
If Col > ColonneTotale Then
Exit Do
End If

If Mid(Rs!Turno2, 1, 1) = "M" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioMattina
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno2, 1, 1) = "N" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioNotturno
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno2, 1, 1) = "P" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioPomeriggio
End If

Col = Col + 1
If Col > ColonneTotale Then
Exit Do
End If

If Mid(Rs!Turno3, 1, 1) = "M" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioMattina
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno3, 1, 1) = "N" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioNotturno
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno3, 1, 1) = "P" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioPomeriggio
End If

Col = Col + 1

If Col > ColonneTotale Then
Exit Do
End If

If Mid(Rs!Turno4, 1, 1) = "M" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioMattina
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno4, 1, 1) = "N" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioNotturno
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno4, 1, 1) = "P" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioPomeriggio
End If

Col = Col + 1
If Col > ColonneTotale Then
Exit Do
End If

If Mid(Rs!Turno5, 1, 1) = "M" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioMattina
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno5, 1, 1) = "N" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioNotturno
ElseIf Mid(Rs!Turno5, 1, 1) = "P" Then
Exc.cells(Riga, Col).Formula = DatPrimaryrs!OrarioPomeriggio
End If

Col = Col + 1
If Col > ColonneTotale Then
Exit Do
End If

Riga = Riga + 1


'You can use the line above, changing coordenates to go to any

'cell and you can also add Formulas

Exc.Range("A3:BD" & Riga - 1).BORDERS.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Use it to
'change the borders.

Exc.Columns("A:bd").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'To adjust the
'column's width.

Exc.Range("A:BD").Select 'To establish a selection
Exc.Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 'Adding different formats

Exc.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="C:\Prova\Cartel" & Replace(Time, ":", "") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

Set Exc = Nothing

End Sub

( elaborazioneexcel.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023