
Public Function EncDecString(strSource As String, _
Optional strKey As String = "jhGd&34") As String

Dim i As Integer
Dim intAscSource As Integer
Dim strTempEncDec As String
Dim strSeed As String
Dim intkey As Integer
'generates Seed for the randomize event

'through Ascii codes of each of the characters of the key

For i = 1 To Len(strKey)
strSeed = strSeed & Asc(Mid(strKey, i, 1))
Next i

Rnd -1 'Because i want to work With the same random table

Randomize CDbl(strSeed)

For i = 1 To Len(strSource)
intkey = Int(256 * Rnd) 'generates an Integer (0-255)
intAscSource = Asc(Mid(strSource, i, 1))
strTempEncDec = strTempEncDec & _
Chr(intAscSource Xor intkey)
'The actual encryption takes place here

Next i

EncDecString = strTempEncDec

End Function

Public Sub EncDecFile(strSource As String, _
Optional bolShowProgress As Boolean = False, _
Optional objProgress As ProgressBar)

Dim iFile As Integer
Dim StrStream As String * 100
Dim lngSteps As Long
Dim i As Long
iFile = FreeFile()
Open strSource For Binary As iFile

'Help me on this one, please.

'How can i avoid this and work on the entire file?

'I had difficulty trying to deal with the Seek statement.

'If you notice, i'm working on 100 bytes

'segments and discarding the last <=99 bytes.

lngSteps = Int(LOF(iFile) / 100)
'inicializes the progress bar.

If bolShowProgress Then
objProgress.Min = 0
objProgress.Max = lngSteps
objProgress.Value = 0
End If
For i = 1 To lngSteps
Get iFile, i, StrStream
StrStream = EncDecString(StrStream)
'calls the Function above where the encryption

'takes place.

Put iFile, i, StrStream
If bolShowProgress Then 'Updates the progress bar
objProgress.Value = i
End If
Next i
Close iFile
End Sub Inputs:
strSource As String (String to work with)
Optional strKey As String = "jhGd&34" (The key)
strSource As String (full path of file to work with)
Optional bolShowProgress As Boolean = False (self-Explanatory)
Optional objProgress As ProgressBar (The actual Prog.Bar)

String (The result string)

This is an ecryption/decryption algorithm.
Even if simple, it can completely render a
file useless. Use it with care. The mechanism
by wich this code functions does not trap
erroneous keys. Since it uses a Random Xor,
if you by any instance try to decrypt a file
with a mistaken key, you'll be in fact encrypting
it again. ...and Do not use it on system files!

( encryptdecr.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023