
'* Select Case Error_Handler_Doc("Name.mdb",Now,123,"Description","Notes")

'* Case "True"

'* Case "False"

'* End Select

'* Load in "References" the "Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library"

Dim NewDB As Database
Dim ExistDB As Database
Dim ExistRS As Recordset
Public Function Error_Handler_Doc(ByVal ErrMDB As String, _
ErrDate As Date, ErrNum As Long, ErrDes As String, _
ErrNote As String, Optional ErrUser As String) As Boolean
Select Case Error_Handler_MDB(ErrMDB)
Case "False"
If Error_Handler_Create(ErrMDB, "!@#$") = False Then
Error_Handler_Doc = False
Exit Function
End If
End Select

Set ExistDB = OpenDatabase("C:\Program Files\Common Files\ _
Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler\" & ErrMDB, _
False, False, ";pwd=!@#$")
Set ExistRS = ExistDB.OpenRecordset("ErrList", dbOpenDynaset)
ExistRS.Fields!ErrNum = ErrNum & ""
ExistRS.Fields!ErrDate = ErrDate & ""
ExistRS.Fields!ErrDes = ErrDes & ""
ExistRS.Fields!ErrNote = ErrNote & ""
ExistRS.Fields!ErrUser = ErrUser & ""
Set ExistRS = Nothing
Set ExistDB = Nothing
Error_Handler_Doc = True
End Function

Public Function Error_Handler_MDB(ByVal ErrMDB As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Open "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler\" _
& ErrMDB For Input As #1
If Err Then
Error_Handler_MDB = False
Exit Function
End If
Close #1
Error_Handler_MDB = True
End Function

Public Function Error_Handler_Create(ByVal ErrMDB _
As String, ByVal ErrMDBPassword As String) _
As Boolean
Error_Handler_Create = False
If CreateNewDirectory("C:\Program Files\Common Files\_
Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler") = False Then
Exit Function
End If
On Error Goto Err_Handler
If ErrMDBPassword <> "" Then
Set NewDB = Workspaces(0).CreateDatabase("C:\Program Files\_
Common Files\Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler\" & _
ErrMDB, dbLangGeneral & ";pwd=" & ErrMDBPassword)
Set NewDB = Workspaces(0).CreateDatabase("C:\Program Files\ _
Common Files\Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler\" & _
ErrMDB, dbLangGeneral)
End If
'Now call the functions for each table

Dim b As Boolean
b = Error_Handler_Err_List
If b = False Then
Error_Handler_Create = False
Set NewDB = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Error_Handler_Create = True
SetAttr "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ _
Walker Brothers\ErrorHandler\" & ErrMDB, vbHidden
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Error_Handler_Create = False
Set NewDB = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Public Function Error_Handler_Err_List() As Boolean
Dim TempTDef As TableDef
Dim TempField As Field
Dim TempIdx As Index
Error_Handler_Err_List = False
On Error Goto Err_Handler
Set TempTDef = NewDB.CreateTableDef("ErrList")
Set TempField = TempTDef.CreateField("ErrDate", 8)
TempField.Attributes = 1
TempField.Required = False
TempField.OrdinalPosition = 0
TempTDef.Fields.Append TempField
Set TempField = TempTDef.CreateField("ErrNum", 4)
TempField.Attributes = 1
TempField.Required = False
TempField.OrdinalPosition = 1
TempTDef.Fields.Append TempField
Set TempField = TempTDef.CreateField("ErrDes", 12)
TempField.Attributes = 2
TempField.Required = False
TempField.OrdinalPosition = 2
TempField.AllowZeroLength = False
TempTDef.Fields.Append TempField
Set TempField = TempTDef.CreateField("ErrNote", 12)
TempField.Attributes = 2
TempField.Required = False
TempField.OrdinalPosition = 3
TempField.AllowZeroLength = False
TempTDef.Fields.Append TempField
Set TempField = TempTDef.CreateField("ErrUser", 10)
TempField.Attributes = 2
TempField.Required = False
TempField.OrdinalPosition = 4
TempField.Size = 50
TempField.AllowZeroLength = True
TempTDef.Fields.Append TempField
NewDB.TableDefs.Append TempTDef
'Done, Close the objects

Set TempTDef = Nothing
Set TempField = Nothing
Set TempIdx = Nothing
Error_Handler_Err_List = True
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set TempTDef = Nothing
Set TempField = Nothing
Set TempIdx = Nothing
Error_Handler_Err_List = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Public Function CreateNewDirectory(ByVal NewDirectory As String) _
As Boolean
Dim sDirTest As String
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
Dim sPath As String
Dim iCounter As Integer
Dim sTempDir As String
Dim iFlag As Integer
On Error Goto ErrorCreate
iFlag = 0
sPath = NewDirectory
If Right(sPath, Len(sPath)) <> "\" Then
sPath = sPath & "\"
End If
iCounter = 1
Do Until InStr(iCounter, sPath, "\") = 0
iCounter = InStr(iCounter, sPath, "\")
sTempDir = Left(sPath, iCounter)
sDirTest = Dir(sTempDir)
iCounter = iCounter + 1
'create directory

SecAttrib.lpSecurityDescriptor = &O0
SecAttrib.bInheritHandle = False
SecAttrib.nLength = Len(SecAttrib)
bSuccess = CreateDirectory(sTempDir, SecAttrib)
CreateNewDirectory = True
Exit Function
CreateNewDirectory = False
Resume 0
End Function


'Select Case Error_Handler_Doc("Name.mdb",Now,123,"Description","Notes")

'Case "True"

'Case "False"

'End Select

Needs (DatabaseName, Date, Err.Number, Err.Description,
PrivateNotes, Optional(User))
Load in "References" the
"Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library"

Basic Error handling information.
This Module Logs the Errors your application
may incounter into a MDB, if the MDB does not
exist the it Creates it. It Creates a passworded
MDB to stop other accessing your errors, you then
can make a frontend to read your errors.
Table Name : ErrList
Field Name : ErrDate, ErrDes, ErrNum, ErrNotes,
ErrUser, Usage

( errorhandledoc.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023