
Dim colVal As Long
' Variable to contain our rgb color value

Dim counter As Integer
' Counter to be used to increment/decrement rgb value

Dim fIn As Boolean
' Boolean, true/false variable to determine if we are fading in or fading out.

' *** Update ***

Dim curMsg As Integer
' Determines which message from the MsgArray to display

Dim MsgArray(1 To 9) As String
' New variable Array to allow us to display multiple messages

Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Shutdown all components and end the program

Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Form1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Setup our messages

MsgArray(1) = "Stormdev Software"
MsgArray(2) = "Fading Text Demo"
MsgArray(3) = "Updated"
MsgArray(4) = "Now Allows"
MsgArray(5) = "Multiple Messages"
' Use a blank entry for a greater pause before the next message !

MsgArray(6) = ""
MsgArray(7) = "Votes Appreciated"
MsgArray(8) = "Comments Always Welcome"
MsgArray(9) = "stormdev@golden.net"
' Set the current message

curMsg = 1
' Set our counter to zero

counter = 0
' This is our boolean (true/false) variable which will be used

' to determin if we are fading the text in or out. To start we

' set it to true so our text will fade in first.

fIn = True
' Show the form

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
' This is the timer that controls our fading in and out, if you

' increase the timers interval property, the fades will take longer,

' you can also alter the fade speed by increasing or decreasing the

' the value that is added to counter in the lines below.


' Check and see if we are fading the text in, fIn=true.

If fIn = True Then
' If we are fading in then begin the fade routine.

' Check if our counter variable is less than or equal to our goal color,

' I used 170 because that is the rgb value for the red component that

' I wanted the color fade to stop at, but you can use any rgb value and

' the red green or blue components.


If counter <= 200 Then
' Store our rgb color value into the colVal variable

' Notice the counter variable as the red parameter in the rgb call, the zeros

' for the green and blue components will yield black, you can try putting the

' counter variable in different components and changing component values to get

' the color you desire.

colVal = RGB(counter, 0, 0)
' Set the forecolor of our picturebox to the new color

Picture1.ForeColor = colVal
' Increment our counter variable, a higher + value will increase fade speed

' while a lower value will slow the fade down and make it more smooth.

counter = counter + 5
' If we have reached our final color then set the fIn variable to false

' because we just faded the text in we need it false to fade out next.

fIn = False
' Reset the counter

counter = 0
End If
' If fIn was false that means we are fading out now

' Basically the same code as above, so I won't comment heavily.

If counter <= 200 Then
colVal = RGB(200 - counter, 0, 0)
Picture1.ForeColor = colVal
counter = counter + 5
fIn = True
counter = 0
' Increment our Message Pointer

curMsg = curMsg + 1
End If
End If
' Check if the curMsg is at the last ("Upper Boundary"UBound) position of our Array.

If curMsg <= UBound(MsgArray) Then
' Print the current message

Picture1.Print MsgArray(curMsg)
' Reset our message pointer to the first message to loop through the MsgArray

curMsg = 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetTextPosition()
' Set our current x and y coordinates for writing to the picturebox.

' This line sets the CurrentX property based on the size of the msg

' and centers that line in the textbox horizontally.

Picture1.CurrentX = (Picture1.ScaleWidth - Picture1.TextWidth(MsgArray(curMsg))) \ 2
' You could also use the above routine to center the text vertically, by replacing

' the .ScaleWidth with .ScaleHeight and .TextWidth with .TextHeight, for the CurrentY

' Co-ordinate.

' ie: Picture1.CurrentY = (Picture1.ScaleHeight - Picture1.TextHeight(MsgArray(curMsg))) \ 2


' For Now I will just hard code it as 1

Picture1.CurrentY = 1
End Sub

Dim colVal As Long
' Variable to contain our rgb color value

Dim counter As Integer
' Counter to be used to increment/decrement rgb value

Dim fIn As Boolean
' Boolean, true/false variable to determine if we are fading in or fading out.

' *** Update ***

Dim curMsg As Integer
' Determines which message from the MsgArray to display

Dim MsgArray(1 To 9) As String
' New variable Array to allow us to display multiple messages

Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Shutdown all components and end the program

Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Form1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Setup our messages

MsgArray(1) = "Stormdev Software"
MsgArray(2) = "Fading Text Demo"
MsgArray(3) = "Updated"
MsgArray(4) = "Now Allows"
MsgArray(5) = "Multiple Messages"
' Use a blank entry for a greater pause before the next message !

MsgArray(6) = ""
MsgArray(7) = "Votes Appreciated"
MsgArray(8) = "Comments Always Welcome"
MsgArray(9) = "stormdev@golden.net"
' Set the current message

curMsg = 1
' Set our counter to zero

counter = 0
' This is our boolean (true/false) variable which will be used

' to determin if we are fading the text in or out. To start we

' set it to true so our text will fade in first.

fIn = True
' Show the form

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
' This is the timer that controls our fading in and out, if you

' increase the timers interval property, the fades will take longer,

' you can also alter the fade speed by increasing or decreasing the

' the value that is added to counter in the lines below.


' Check and see if we are fading the text in, fIn=true.

If fIn = True Then
' If we are fading in then begin the fade routine.

' Check if our counter variable is less than or equal to our goal color,

' I used 170 because that is the rgb value for the red component that

' I wanted the color fade to stop at, but you can use any rgb value and

' the red green or blue components.


If counter <= 200 Then
' Store our rgb color value into the colVal variable

' Notice the counter variable as the red parameter in the rgb call, the zeros

' for the green and blue components will yield black, you can try putting the

' counter variable in different components and changing component values to get

' the color you desire.

colVal = RGB(counter, 0, 0)
' Set the forecolor of our picturebox to the new color

Picture1.ForeColor = colVal
' Increment our counter variable, a higher + value will increase fade speed

' while a lower value will slow the fade down and make it more smooth.

counter = counter + 5
' If we have reached our final color then set the fIn variable to false

' because we just faded the text in we need it false to fade out next.

fIn = False
' Reset the counter

counter = 0
End If
' If fIn was false that means we are fading out now

' Basically the same code as above, so I won't comment heavily.

If counter <= 200 Then
colVal = RGB(200 - counter, 0, 0)
Picture1.ForeColor = colVal
counter = counter + 5
fIn = True
counter = 0
' Increment our Message Pointer

curMsg = curMsg + 1
End If
End If
' Check if the curMsg is at the last ("Upper Boundary"UBound) position of our Array.

If curMsg <= UBound(MsgArray) Then
' Print the current message

Picture1.Print MsgArray(curMsg)
' Reset our message pointer to the first message to loop through the MsgArray

curMsg = 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetTextPosition()
' Set our current x and y coordinates for writing to the picturebox.

' This line sets the CurrentX property based on the size of the msg

' and centers that line in the textbox horizontally.

Picture1.CurrentX = (Picture1.ScaleWidth - Picture1.TextWidth(MsgArray(curMsg))) \ 2
' You could also use the above routine to center the text vertically, by replacing

' the .ScaleWidth with .ScaleHeight and .TextWidth with .TextHeight, for the CurrentY

' Co-ordinate.

' ie: Picture1.CurrentY = (Picture1.ScaleHeight - Picture1.TextHeight(MsgArray(curMsg))) \ 2


' For Now I will just hard code it as 1

Picture1.CurrentY = 1
End Sub

( fadetext.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023