
Public Function FaxReport() As Boolean
On Error Goto EH
Dim lReport As Report
Dim lFileName As String
Dim lSendObj As Object' winfax send object
Dim lRet As Long
'delete any existing fax report file

lFileName = CurDir & "\" & "FaxReport.html"

If Dir(lFileName) <> vbNullString Then
Kill lFileName
End If
'save as an html file so that it can be

' faxed

'as an attachement

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, _
mReportName, "html", lFileName
'now is the time to fax the html file

Set lSendObj = CreateObject("WinFax.SDKSend")
lRet = lSendObj.SetAreaCode("801")
lRet = lSendObj.SetCountryCode("1")
lRet = lSendObj.SetNumber(9816661)
lRet = lSendObj.AddRecipient()
lRet = lSendObj.AddAttachmentFile(lFileName)
lRet = lSendObj.ShowCallProgress(1)
lRet = lSendObj.Send(0)
lRet = lSendObj.Done()
Exit Function
Exit Function
End Function

( faxreport.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023