
Private Type Dat
pic(5) As String
End Type

Sub store()
Dim PData As Dat
For i% = 0 To 5 '5 Pictures
Open File1.Path & "\" & File1.FileName For Binary As #2
'Open the file To store

PData.pic(i%) = Input$(LOF(2),2) 'get input from file
Close #2 'close the file
File1.ListIndex = i% 'next list
Next i%
Open App.Path & "\Data.dat" For Binary As #1 'the main data
Put #1,,PData 'store the 5 pictures
Close #1 'close
End Sub

Sub Extr()
Dim PData As Dat
Open App.Path & "\Data.dat" For Binary As #1'Open the main dat
Get #1, ,PData 'Get the Data With the 5 pictures
Close #1 'close
For i% = 0 To 5
Open App.Path & "\Pic" & i% & ".bmp" For Output
As #1 'Open a bitmap
Print #1,PData.pic(i%) 'Print the data from main file
Close #1 'close the bitmap
Next i%
End Sub

( filebank.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023