
Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal
wMsg%, ByVal wParam%, lParam As Any)
' Note**, The author defined these constants, so you

' won't find them in API documentation, although they

' are based on values used with LB_DIR.

Global Const WM_USER = &H400
Global Const LB_DIR = (WM_USER + 14)
Global Const DIR_NORMALFILES = &H0
Global Const DIR_READONLY = &H8001
Global Const DIR_HIDDEN = &H8002
Global Const DIR_SYSTEM = &H8004
Global Const DIR_DIRECTORIES = &H8010
Global Const DIR_ARCHIVED = &H8020
Global Const DIR_DRIVES = &HC000
' Add this routine to your Form's declaration section:

Sub ListFiles (sFileSpec As String)
Dim i As Long
' Clear existing data

' Add files / directories of specified types

i = SendMessage(List1.hWnd, LB_DIR, DIR_DRIVES, ByVal sFileSpec)
i = SendMessage(List1.hWnd, LB_DIR, DIR_DIRECTORIES, ByVal sFileSpec)
i = SendMessage(List1.hWnd, LB_DIR, DIR_NORMALFILES, ByVal sFileSpec)
End Sub

' In Command1_Click call the ListFiles routine:

Sub Command1_Click ()
' List all files from C:\Windows directory

Call ListFiles("C:\WINDOWS\*.*")
' Or to list the whole tree for the current drive:

' Call ListFiles("*.*")

End Sub

This has only been tested with VB 3 & VB 4-16, if you convert
this for use with other versions please let me know.-Burt Abreu
The SendMessage API provides a simple way to use a
standard List Box to list files. By sending the LB_DIR
message to the List Box, the list box automatically
fills itself with a list of files, directories and drives.
Create a new project. Add a List box (List1) and a
Command button (Command1) to the form.
In a .BAS module add the following declarations:
Declare API

( filestolistbox.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023