
Public Sub m_NotInList(ctrl As Control, strFieldName As String, strTable As String)
On Error Goto HandleError
Dim aSqlAs String
Dim aDB As Database
Dim aRS As Recordset
Dim strValueAs String
Dim TitleAs String
Dim Msg As String
Dim Response
Dim Style
Const gstrDatabase = "\Database\Oct2000.MDB"'/ Database Name.
Const gstrAccessPassword = "passme" '/ Database Password.
Const sConnect = ";pwd=" & gstrAccessPassword'/ Connect String.
strValue = ctrl
aSql = "SELECT " & "[" & strFieldName & "]" & _
" FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]" & " WHERE " & _
"[" & strFieldName & "]" & "= '" & strValue & "'"
Set aDB = OpenDatabase("" & App.Path & gstrDatabase & _
"", False, False, sConnect)
Set aRS = aDB.OpenRecordset(aSql, dbOpenDynaset)
Set aDB = Nothing
'/ Value is in the Table so continue

Exit Sub
Title = "Not In list"
Msg = "Do you want To add a new value named:"
Msg = Msg & vbCr & strValue
Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 ' Define buttons.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then
aRS("" & strFieldName & "") = strValue
'/ ReLoad the Combo and then reselect th

' e new value.

'm_FillLookupCombo ctrl, strFieldName, s

' trTable

ctrl = strValue
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Select a Value from the list.", vbInformation, App.Title
ctrl.ListIndex = 0
Set aDB = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

Inputs:Control Name: i.e. Combo Box Name
FieldName: i.e. Field Name In Access Table
TableName: i.e. The Table In Access

Assumes:Copy the code into the Forms_Module area
of the form where the Combo Box is placed.
In the Lost_Focus Event on the Combo Box enter the text below.
m_NotInList ComboBoxName, "FieldName", "TableName"

Then paste the code below into the Forms_Module area.
Type in your database name and this should work.


'# Procedure Name: m_NotInList

'# Inputs: ComboBox, FieldName, Lookup Table


'#Descrpition: Add a new item to a ComboBox.


( filldata.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023