
Private Function FindReplace(sText As String, sFind As String, _
sReplace As String) As String
Dim n%, c%'declare Integer variables
Dim sTempR$, sTempL$
'declare temporary variables to peice together

'the finished product

c = 1
n = 1
c = InStr(n, sText, sFind)
'locate the String you want to replace

If c% <> 0 Then 'if it's found then
sTempL = Mid$(sText, 1, c - 1)
'grab the contents to the left of the found String

sTempR = Mid$(sText, c + Len(sFind))
'grab contents to the right of the foundstring

sText = sTempL & sReplace & sTempR
'peice the contents of the left and the right

End If
'together With the word you want to replace in

n = c + 1'the middle
Loop Until c = 0
FindReplace = sText
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = FindReplace(Text1.Text, Text2.Text, Text3.Text)
'call it like this

End Sub

( findreplace.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023