
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel as Integer)
Dim counter as Integer
Dim I as Integer
counter = me.Height
'Collapse Form

Do: DoEvents
counter = counter - 10 'Change the 10 according to your CPU's speed.
me.Height = counter
me.Top = (screen.Height - me.Height) / 2
Loop Until counter <= 10
I = 15
counter = me.Width
'Strech form to edges

Do: DoEvents
counter = counter + I
me.Width = counter
me.Left = (screen.Width - me.Width) / 2
I = I + 1 'Change the 1 according to your CPU's speed.
Loop Until counter >= screen.Width
End Sub

( formunload.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023