Form - ZOOM

Form #

'*Author: Carl Slutter


'*e-mail to



'*This module (a work in progress) currently either

'*explodes or implodes a form.


'*The larger the "Movement" value the slower the

'*explosion or implosion. It is possible to have the form

'*explode/implode from various directions although this

'*code does not include that option.


'* Call is ExplodeForm (or ImplodeForm) FormName, Movement

'*Creation Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:33 pm

'*Revision Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:33 pm


'*Version Number: 1.10


'*This code may be freely used by any individual in a personal

'*project. If the code is modified or additional effects are

'*added, I would appreciate receiving a copy of the revised


'*However, if the code is used in a project developed

'*in the anticipation of a profit, permission of the author

'*must be obtained and a fee may be charged.



#If Win16 Then
Left As Integer
Top As Integer
Right As Integer
Bottom As Integer
End Type
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
#End If
'User and GDI Functions for Explode/Implode to work

#If Win16 Then
Declare Sub GetWindowRect Lib "User" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, lpRect As RECT)
Declare Function GetDC Lib "User" (ByVal hwnd As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "User" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal hdc As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub SetBkColor Lib "GDI" (ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal crColor As Long)
Declare Sub Rectangle Lib "GDI" (ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal X1 As Integer, ByVal Y1 As Integer, ByVal X2 As Integer, ByVal Y2 As Integer)
Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "GDI" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Integer
Declare Function SelectObject Lib "GDI" (ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub DeleteObject Lib "GDI" (ByVal hObject As Integer)
Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Declare Function SetBkColor Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Declare Function Rectangle Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Declare Function SelectObject Lib "user32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
#End If

'*Author: Carl Slutter



'*The higher the "Movement", the slower the window



'*Creation Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:27 pm

'*Revision Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:27 pm


'*Version Number: 1.00


Sub ExplodeForm(f As Form, Movement As Integer)
Dim myRect As RECT
Dim formWidth%, formHeight%, i%, X%, Y%, Cx%, Cy%
Dim TheScreen As Long
Dim Brush As Long

GetWindowRect f.hwnd, myRect
formWidth = (myRect.Right - myRect.Left)
formHeight = myRect.Bottom - myRect.Top
TheScreen = GetDC(0)
Brush = CreateSolidBrush(f.BackColor)

For i = 1 To Movement
Cx = formWidth * (i / Movement)
Cy = formHeight * (i / Movement)
X = myRect.Left + (formWidth - Cx) / 2
Y = myRect.Top + (formHeight - Cy) / 2
Rectangle TheScreen, X, Y, X + Cx, Y + Cy
Next i

X = ReleaseDC(0, TheScreen)
DeleteObject (Brush)

End Sub

Public Sub ImplodeForm(f As Form, Direction As Integer, Movement As Integer, ModalState As Integer)

'*Author: Carl Slutter



'*The larger the "Movement" value, the slower the "Implosion"


'*Creation Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:42 pm

'*Revision Date: Thursday 23 January 1997 2:42 pm


'*Version Number: 1.00


Dim myRect As RECT
Dim formWidth%, formHeight%, i%, X%, Y%, Cx%, Cy%
Dim TheScreen As Long
Dim Brush As Long

GetWindowRect f.hwnd, myRect
formWidth = (myRect.Right - myRect.Left)
formHeight = myRect.Bottom - myRect.Top
TheScreen = GetDC(0)
Brush = CreateSolidBrush(f.BackColor)

For i = Movement To 1 Step -1
Cx = formWidth * (i / Movement)
Cy = formHeight * (i / Movement)
X = myRect.Left + (formWidth - Cx) / 2
Y = myRect.Top + (formHeight - Cy) / 2
Rectangle TheScreen, X, Y, X + Cx, Y + Cy
Next i

X = ReleaseDC(0, TheScreen)
DeleteObject (Brush)

End Sub

( formzoom.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023