Public Function GetCRCforFile(TheFile As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err:
'you must speify the complete file and directory

'the file is in.

Dim lCrc32Value As Long
Dim CRCStr As String * 8
Dim FL As Long 'file length
On Error Resume Next
Dim FileStr$
FL = FileLen(TheFile)
FileStr$ = String(FL, 0)

Open TheFile For Binary As #1
Get #1, 1, FileStr$
Close #1

lCrc32Value = InitCrc32()
lCrc32Value = AddCrc32(FileStr$, lCrc32Value)

Dim RealCRC As String * 8
RealCRC = CStr(Hex$(GetCrc32(lCrc32Value)))

'This is to just infom you that your crc has been generated.

'you can remove this msgbox

MsgBox "This is the CRC32 that was generated for the file " _
& "you askd for: " & RealCRC, vbInformation, "CRC Completed"
'end of msgbox

GetCRCforFile = RealCRC
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error has been Reported by GOP CRC Wizard v1.00" _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Message Generated By : Function GetCRCforFile()", _
vbCritical, "GOP CRC Wizard v1.00"
End Function

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
'// Then declare this array variable Crc32Table

Private Crc32Table(255) As Long
'// Then all we have to do is writing public functions like these...

Public Function InitCrc32(Optional ByVal Seed As Long = _
&HEDB88320, Optional ByVal Precondition As Long = _
'// Declare counter variable iBytes, counter variable iBits,

'value variables lCrc32 and lTempCrc32

Dim iBytes As Integer, iBits As Integer, lCrc32 As Long, _
lTempCrc32 As Long
'// Turn on error trapping

On Error Resume Next
'// Iterate 256 times

For iBytes = 0 To 255
'// Initiate lCrc32 to counter variable

lCrc32 = iBytes
'// Now iterate through each bit in counter byte

For iBits = 0 To 7
'// Right shift unsigned long 1 bit

lTempCrc32 = lCrc32 And &HFFFFFFFE
lTempCrc32 = lTempCrc32 \ &H2
lTempCrc32 = lTempCrc32 And &H7FFFFFFF
'// Now check if temporary is less than zero and then

'mix Crc32 checksum with Seed Value

If (lCrc32 And &H1) <> 0 Then
lCrc32 = lTempCrc32 Xor Seed
lCrc32 = lTempCrc32
End If
'// Put Crc32 checksum value in the holding array

Crc32Table(iBytes) = lCrc32
'// After this is done, set function value to the

'precondition value

InitCrc32 = Precondition
End Function

'// The function above is the initializing function, now we

'have to write the computation function

Public Function AddCrc32(ByVal Item As String, _
ByVal CRC32 As Long) As Long
'// Declare following variables

Dim bCharValue As Byte, iCounter As Integer, lIndex As Long
Dim lAccValue As Long, lTableValue As Long
'// Turn on error trapping

On Error Resume Next
'// Iterate through the string that is to be


For iCounter = 1 To Len(Item)
'// Get ASCII value for the current character

bCharValue = Asc(Mid$(Item, iCounter, 1))
'// Right shift an Unsigned Long 8 bits

lAccValue = CRC32 And &HFFFFFF00
lAccValue = lAccValue \ &H100
lAccValue = lAccValue And &HFFFFFF
'// Now select the right adding value from the holding table

lIndex = CRC32 And &HFF
lIndex = lIndex Xor bCharValue
lTableValue = Crc32Table(lIndex)
'// Then mix new Crc32 value with previous accumulated Crc32 value

CRC32 = lAccValue Xor lTableValue
'// Set function value the the new Crc32 checksum

AddCrc32 = CRC32
End Function

'// At last, we have to write a function so that we can get

'the Crc32 checksum value at any time

Public Function GetCrc32(ByVal CRC32 As Long) As Long
'// Turn on error trapping

On Error Resume Next
'// Set function to the current Crc32 value

GetCrc32 = CRC32 Xor &HFFFFFFFF
End Function

'// To Test the Routines Above...

Public Function Compute(ToGet As String) As String
Dim lCrc32Value As Long
On Error Resume Next
lCrc32Value = InitCrc32()
lCrc32Value = AddCrc32(ToGet, lCrc32Value)
Compute = Hex$(GetCrc32(lCrc32Value))
End Function

'Example :

'mvarFILECRC = GetCRCforFile("c:\myapppath\myapp.exe")

Just add CRCfile.bas into your project and run the function
as described and your set!!!

This is a CRC32 generator for a file inputted.
it is easy to use and the funtion's use it like this:

Example :
mvarFILECRC = GetCRCforFile("c:\myapppath\myapp.exe")

Code generated by GOP and function used from Append
CRC32 to end of file by Detonate

( getcrc.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023