
' cMP3Info Class

Private mvarFilename As String

Private Type Info
sTitle As String
sArtist As String
sAlbum As String
sComment As String
sYear As String
sGenre As String
End Type

Private MP3Info As Info

Public Property Get Filename() As String

Filename = mvarFilename

End Property

Private Function IsValidFile(ByVal sFilename) As Boolean

Dim bOk As Boolean
' make sure file exists

bOk = CBool(Dir(sFilename, vbHidden) <> "")
Dim aExtensions, ext
aExtensions = Array(".mp3", ".mp2", ".mp1")
Dim bOkayExtension As Boolean
bOkayExtension = False

If bOk Then

For Each ext In aExtensions

If InStr(1, sFilename, ext, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
bOkayExtension = True
End If

Next 'ext

End If

IsValidFile = bOk And bOkayExtension

End Function

Public Property Let Filename(ByVal sPassFilename As String)

Dim iFreefile As Integer
Dim lFilePos As Long
Dim sData As String * 128
Dim sGenre() As String
' Genre

Const sGenreMatrix As String = "Blues|Classic Rock|Country|Dance|Disco|Funk|Grunge|" + _
"Hip-Hop|Jazz|Metal|New Age|Oldies|Other|Pop|R&B|Rap|Reggae|Rock|Techno|" + _
"Industrial|Alternative|Ska|Death Metal|Pranks|Soundtrack|Euro-Techno|" + _
"Ambient|Trip Hop|Vocal|Jazz+Funk|Fusion|Trance|Classical|Instrumental|Acid|" + _
"House|Game|Sound Clip|Gospel|Noise|Alt. Rock|Bass|Soul|Punk|Space|Meditative|" + _
"Instrumental Pop|Instrumental Rock|Ethnic|Gothic|Darkwave|Techno-Industrial|Electronic|" + _
"Pop-Folk|Eurodance|Dream|Southern Rock|Comedy|Cult|Gangsta Rap|Top 40|Christian Rap|" + _
"Pop/Punk|Jungle|Native American|Cabaret|New Wave|Phychedelic|Rave|Showtunes|Trailer|" + _
"Lo-Fi|Tribal|Acid Punk|Acid Jazz|Polka|Retro|Musical|Rock & Roll|Hard Rock|Folk|" + _
"Folk/Rock|National Folk|Swing|Fast-Fusion|Bebob|Latin|Revival|Celtic|Blue Grass|" + _
"Avantegarde|Gothic Rock|Progressive Rock|Psychedelic Rock|Symphonic Rock|Slow Rock|" + _
"Big Band|Chorus|Easy Listening|Acoustic|Humour|Speech|Chanson|Opera|Chamber Music|" + _
"Sonata|Symphony|Booty Bass|Primus|Porn Groove|Satire|Slow Jam|Club|Tango|Samba|Folklore|" + _
"Ballad|power Ballad|Rhythmic Soul|Freestyle|Duet|Punk Rock|Drum Solo|A Capella|Euro-House|" + _
"Dance Hall|Goa|Drum & Bass|Club-House|Hardcore|Terror|indie|Brit Pop|Negerpunk|Polsk Punk|" + _
"Beat|Christian Gangsta Rap|Heavy Metal|Black Metal|Crossover|Comteporary Christian|" + _
"Christian Rock|Merengue|Salsa|Trash Metal|Anime|JPop|Synth Pop"
' Build the Genre array (VB6+ only)

sGenre = Split(sGenreMatrix, "|")
' Store the filename (for "Get Filename"

' property)

mvarFilename = sPassFilename
' Clear the info variables

If Not IsValidFile(sPassFilename) Then ' bug fix
Exit Property
End If

MP3Info.sTitle = ""
MP3Info.sArtist = ""
MP3Info.sAlbum = ""
MP3Info.sYear = ""
MP3Info.sComment = ""
' Ensure the MP3 file exists

' Retrieve the info data from the MP3

iFreefile = FreeFile
lFilePos = FileLen(mvarFilename) - 127

If lFilePos > 0 Then ' bug fix
Open mvarFilename For Binary As #iFreefile
Get #iFreefile, lFilePos, sData
Close #iFreefile
End If

' Populate the info variables

If Left(sData, 3) = "TAG" Then
MP3Info.sTitle = Mid(sData, 4, 30)
MP3Info.sArtist = Mid(sData, 34, 30)
MP3Info.sAlbum = Mid(sData, 64, 30)
MP3Info.sYear = Mid(sData, 94, 4)
MP3Info.sComment = Mid(sData, 98, 30)
Dim lGenre
lGenre = Asc(Mid(sData, 128, 1))

If lGenre <= UBound(sGenre) Then
MP3Info.sGenre = sGenre(lGenre)
MP3Info.sGenre = ""
End If

MP3Info = GetInfo(mvarFilename)
End If

End Property

Private Function GetInfo(ByVal sFilename) As Info

Dim i As Info
GetInfo = i
Dim s
s = sFilename

If InStrRev(s, "\) > 0 Then 'it's a full path
s = Mid(s, InStrRev(s, "\) + 1)
End If

'drop extension

s = Left(s, InStrRev(s, ".", , vbTextCompare) - 1)
s = Replace(Trim(s), " ", " ")
s = Trim(s)

If CountItems(s, " ") < 1 Then
i.sTitle = Replace(s, "_", " ")
GetInfo = i
Exit Function
End If

s = Trim(Replace(s, "_", " "))

If Left(s, 1) = "(" And CountItems(s, "-") < 3 Then
i.sArtist = Mid(s, 2, InStr(s, ")") - 2)
s = Trim(Mid(s, InStr(s, ")") + 1))

If Left(s, 1) = "-" Then 'grab title
i.sTitle = Trim(Mid(s, 2))
Else 'grab title anyway

If InStr(s, "-") > 0 Then
i.sAlbum = Mid(s, InStr(s, "-") + 1)
i.sTitle = Left(s, InStr(s, "-") - 1)
i.sTitle = Trim(s)
End If

End If

Dim aThings
Dim l
aThings = Split(s, "- ")

For l = 0 To UBound(aThings)

If Not IsNumeric(aThings(l)) Then

If i.sArtist = "" Then
i.sArtist = aThings(l)

If IsNumeric(aThings(l - 1)) Then ' title

If i.sTitle = "" Then
i.sTitle = aThings(l)
End If

ElseIf i.sAlbum = "" Then
i.sAlbum = aThings(l)
End If

End If

End If

Next ' i

End If

i.sArtist = Replace(Replace(i.sArtist, "(", ""), ")", "")

If Left(s, 1) <> "(" And i.sTitle = "" And (InStr(sFilename, "\) <> InStrRev(sFilename, "\)) Then
' recurse

GetInfo = GetInfo(FixDir(sFilename))
GetInfo = i
End If

End Function

Private Function CountItems(s, sToCount)

Dim a
a = Split(s, sToCount)

If UBound(a) = -1 Then
CountItems = 0
CountItems = UBound(a) - LBound(a)
End If

End Function

Private Function FixDir(sFullpath)

Dim s1, s2
s1 = Trim(Left(sFullpath, InStrRev(sFullpath, "\) - 1))
s2 = Trim(Mid(sFullpath, InStrRev(sFullpath, "\) + 1))
FixDir = s1 & " - " & s2

End Function

Public Property Get Title() As String

Title = Trim(MP3Info.sTitle)

End Property

Public Property Get Artist() As String

Artist = Trim(MP3Info.sArtist)

End Property

Public Property Get Genre() As String

Genre = Trim(MP3Info.sGenre)

End Property

Public Property Get Album() As String

Album = Trim(MP3Info.sAlbum)

End Property

Public Property Get Year() As String

Year = Trim(MP3Info.sYear)

End Property

Public Property Get Comment() As String

Comment = Trim(MP3Info.sComment)

End Property

( getmp3info.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023