
Declare Function mciSendString& Lib "MMSYSTEM" (ByVal pstrCommand$,
ByVal lpstrReturnStr As Any, ByVal wReturnLen%, ByVal CallBack%)
'Add this code to the appropriate event:

Dim CmdStr$
Dim ReturnVal&
' Modify path and filename as necessary

CmdStr$ = "play G:\VFW_CINE\AK1.AVI"
ReturnVal& = mciSendString(CmdStr$, 0&, 0, 0&)
' To play the AVI 'fullscreen' append to CmdStr$:

CmdStr$ = "play G:\VFW_CINE\AK1.AVI fullscreen"
Note: This has only been tested with VB 3 and VB 4-16, if you
convert this for use with other versions please let me
know.-Burt Abreu Here's how to play an .AVI file via API
Declare this API:

( getsound.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023