Grafica Ripetere Una Immagine Dentro UnForm Tante Volte Da Rendere Schermo-sfondo

Form # Private Sub Form_Paint()
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer

' Note, the visible property of the image should be set false,

' and the Form's Auto-Redraw property must be False.


' The Form_Paint event is used since it occurs whenever the Form

' is repainted (when the form is restored from minimized form, form

' has been resized, maximized etc.)


For X = 0 To Me.Width Step Image1.Width
For Y = 0 To Me.Height Step Image1.Height
PaintPicture Image1, X, Y
Next Y
Next X
End Sub

( graficaripetereunaimmaginedentrounformtantevoltedarendereschermosfondo.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023