Griglia - Inserimento Dati nella griglia

' General declarations

Option Explicit

inserire nelle proprieta' oggetto componentone XArrayDb
- funziona solo con LOAD

Dim x As New XArrayDB

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns

' x.redim Da Riga a Riga, colonna MMinima a colonna Massima

x.ReDim 0, 99, 0, 3

Dim row, col As Long

' The LowerBound and UpperBound properties correspond

' to the LBound and UBound functions in Visual Basic.

' Hard-coded dimensions can be used instead, if known.

' For row = x.LowerBound(1) To x.UpperBound(1)

For col = x.LowerBound(2) To x.UpperBound(2)
x(row, col) = "Row " & row & ", Col " & col
Next col
' Next row

' Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArrayDB instance

Set TDBGrid1.Array = x
End Sub

' General declarations

Option Explicit

inserire nelle proprieta' oggetto componentone XArrayDb
- funziona solo con LOAD

Dim x As New XArrayDB

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns

x.ReDim 0, 99, 0, 3

Dim row, col As Long

' The LowerBound and UpperBound properties correspond

' to the LBound and UBound functions in Visual Basic.

' Hard-coded dimensions can be used instead, if known.

' For row = x.LowerBound(1) To x.UpperBound(1)

For col = x.LowerBound(2) To x.UpperBound(2)
x(row, col) = "Row " & row & ", Col " & col
Next col
' Next row

' Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArrayDB instance

Set TDBGrid1.Array = x
End Sub

( grigliainserimentodatinellagriglia.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023