Griglia - Inserimento di row e testo nella griglia

tutorial - Icursor -> Unbound1.vbp

' General declarations

Option Explicit

' Special Note: Variables that store Row indices will be

' of data type Long (It is reasonable to assume there may

' be larger than 32,767 rows). Those storing Column

' indices will be of type Integer. (It is very unlikely

' there will be more than 32,767 columns.)

Dim MaxCol As Integer ' Number of columns
Dim MaxRow As Long ' Number of rows
Dim GridArray() As Variant ' Array to store the data

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Initialize the data array. Data must be ready

' before the grid is loaded. Form_Load or Main is a

' good place to initialize the data.

Dim I As Integer ' column index
Dim J As Long ' row index
Dim C As TrueDBGrid70.Column
Dim Col2 As TrueDBGrid70.Column
Dim Col3 As TrueDBGrid70.Column

' Use a 4 columns by 100 rows array as data source.

' Since user will be allowed to add data to the grid,

' the array may grow in size.

' This tutorial project assumes there are 3 columns in

' the grid for simplicity. If you wish to change this

' number, you will need to modify the code below to

' add the correct number of columns.

MaxCol = 4

' You can change MaxRow to show a different number of

' rows when the program loads. MaxRow must be >= 0.

MaxRow = 100

If MaxRow > 0 Then
' If MaxRow = 0, then (MaxRow - 1) equals -1. This

' causes an error in the statement below, so we

' handle this special case in the Else clause.

ReDim GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 To MaxRow - 1)
ReDim GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0)
End If

For I = 0 To MaxCol - 1
For J = 0 To MaxRow - 1
GridArray(I, J) = "Row" + Str$(J) + ", Col" + Str$(I)
Next J
Next I

' You can configure the grid either at design time or

' run time. Assuming you have not done this at

' design-time, the following code configures a grid

' with 4 columns. By default, the grid already has 2

' columns, so we just need to add 2 more (don't forget

' to make the new column visible). The existing

' columns are numbered 0 and 1, so we will add new

' columns at positions 2 and 3.

Set C = TDBGrid1.Columns.Add(2)
C.Visible = True
Set C = TDBGrid1.Columns.Add(3)
C.Visible = True

' For the sake of efficiency, we use Column objects

' to reference column properties instead of repeatedly

' going through the grid's Columns collection object.

Set Col2 = TDBGrid1.Columns(2)
Set Col3 = TDBGrid1.Columns(3)

' Set column heading text

Col2.Caption = "Column 2"
Col3.Caption = "Column 3"

' Inform the grid of how many rows are in the data set.

' This helps with scroll bar positioning.

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Sub

Private Function StoreUserData(Bookmark As Variant, _
Col As Integer, Userval As Variant) As Boolean

' StoreUserData is called from UnboundWriteData to

' write the newly changed information in the grid to

' the array. This function is called once for each

' field that needs to be stored. The grid cell that

' this function is called to store is specified in

' the same way as in GetUserData.

Dim Index As Long

' Figure out which row the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)
If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Or Col < 0 Or _
Col >= MaxCol Then
' Cell position is invalid, so just return null

' to indicate failure

StoreUserData = False
StoreUserData = True
GridArray(Col, Index) = Userval
End If
End Function

' ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid60.RowBuffer, WriteLocation As Variant)

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundWriteData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, WriteLocation As Variant)

' The UnboundWriteData event is fired when the user

' modifies an existing row within an unbound grid and

' attempts to commit the changes by moving to another

' row or calling the Update method of the grid. This

' notifies the program that data has changed in the

' grid and it needs to be stored in the data source.

' RowBuf is the row buffer from which you retrieve the

' data to be stored in the data source. Since only one

' row can be updated at a time, RowBuf.RowCount always

' equals 1 here. If a particular column in the row has

' not been changed, its element in the RowBuf.Value

' array will be Null.

' WriteLocation is a bookmark that identifies the row

' to be updated.

' Assume that a function StoreUserData(bookmark, col,

' value) takes a row bookmark, a column index, and a

' variant with the appropriate data to be stored in an

' array or database. The function returns True if the

' data is acceptable and can be stored, False otherwise.

' Loop over all the columns of the row, storing non-Null

' values

Dim I As Integer

For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
If Not IsNull(RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
If Not StoreUserData(WriteLocation, I, _
RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
RowBuf.RowCount = 0 ' Tell the grid the
' update failed. so

Exit Sub ' so exit the event.
End If
End If
Next I

End Sub

' NewRowBookmark As Variant)

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundAddData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, NewRowBookmark As Variant)

' UnboundAddData is fired when the user adds a new row

' of data to an unbound grid to alert your application

' that it must add a new row of data to its unbound

' dataset. This event will NOT be fired if the grid's

' AllowAddNew property is set to False.

' Assume that a function StoreUserData(bookmark, col,

' value) takes a row bookmark, a column index, and a

' variant with the appropriate data to be stored in

' an array or database. The function returns True if

' the data is acceptable and can be stored, False

' otherwise.

' First, get a bookmark for the new row. Do this with

' a function, GetNewBookmark. This function allocates

' a new row of data in the storage medium (array or

' database), and returns a variant containing a

' bookmark for the added row.

Dim I As Integer
Dim NewVal As Variant

' Create a new row in the array and get a bookmark

' for the new row

NewRowBookmark = GetNewBookmark()

' Loop over all the columns of the row, storing

' non-Null values

For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
' Note that since only one row of data may be

' added at a time, the first index of the row

' buffer Value array is always 0.

NewVal = RowBuf.Value(0, I)
If IsNull(NewVal) Then
' The row buffer does not contain a value for

' this column. A default value should be set.

' A convenient value is the default value for

' the column.

NewVal = TDBGrid1.Columns(I).DefaultValue
End If

' Now store the new values.

If Not StoreUserData(NewRowBookmark, I, NewVal) Then
' Storage of the data has failed. Delete the

' added row using a function, DeleteRow, which

' takes a bookmark as an argument. Also,

' indicate that the update has failed by

' setting RowCount to 0.

DeleteRow NewRowBookmark
RowBuf.RowCount = 0
Exit Sub ' It failed, so exit the event.
End If
Next I
End Sub

Private Function GetNewBookmark() As Variant
' GetNewBookmark is called when we need to create a

' bookmark for a newly added record (row).

' Reserve space for the new row in the array

ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 To MaxRow)

' Since the row index of the last record is (MaxRow - 1),

' the next available index for the row to be added is

' (MaxRow), so create a bookmark for the new row using

' MaxRow as an index.

GetNewBookmark = MakeBookmark(MaxRow)

' Increment the number of rows in our dataset

MaxRow = MaxRow + 1

' Calibrate the scroll bars based on the new dataset

' size.

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Function

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundDeleteRow(Bookmark As Variant)
' UnboundDeleteRow is fired when the user deletes an

' existing row in the Unbound grid. This event

' alerts the user that the program must delete the

' row specified by the Bookmark parameter from the

' dataset. Here, an auxiliary function (DeleteRow)

' is used to do this.

If Not DeleteRow(Bookmark) Then Bookmark = Null
End Sub

Private Function DeleteRow(Bookmark As Variant) As Boolean
' DeleteRow is called to logically delete a record

' (row) from the array. The row to be deleted is

' specified by the Bookmark parameter.

Dim I As Long, Index As Long
Dim J As Integer

' Figure out which row index the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then
' Row index is invalid, so exit the delete,

' indicating failure.

DeleteRow = False
Exit Function
End If

' Decrement the number of rows in the dataset

MaxRow = MaxRow - 1

' Shift the data in the array to fill the empty space

' vacated by the deleted row

For I = Index To MaxRow - 1
For J = 0 To MaxCol - 1
GridArray(J, I) = GridArray(J, I + 1)
Next J
Next I

' Resize array to free storage space used by deleted

' row

If MaxRow > 0 Then
' If MaxRow = 0, then (MaxRow - 1) equals -1.

' This causes an error in the statement below, so

' we handle this special case in the Else clause.

ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 _
To MaxRow - 1)
ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0)
End If
DeleteRow = True

' Calibrate scroll bars based on new dataset size

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Function

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundReadData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, StartLocation As Variant, ByVal ReadPriorRows As Boolean)
' UnboundReadData is fired by an unbound grid whenever

' it requires data for display. This event will fire

' when the grid is first shown, when Refresh or ReBind

' is used, when the grid is scrolled, and after a

' record in the grid is modified and the user commits

' the change by moving off of the current row. The

' grid fetches data in "chunks", and the number of rows

' the grid is asking for is given by RowBuf.RowCount.

' RowBuf is the row buffer where you place the data and

' the bookmarks for the rows that the grid is requesting

' to display. It will also hold the number of rows that

' were successfully supplied to the grid.

' StartLocation is a bookmark which specifies the row

' before or after the desired data, depending on the

' value of ReadPriorRows. If we are reading rows after

' StartLocation (ReadPriorRows = False), then the first

' row of data the grid wants is the row after

' StartLocation, and if we are reading rows before

' StartLocation (ReadPriorRows = True) then the first

' row of data the grid wants is the row before

' StartLocation.

' ReadPriorRows is a boolean value indicating whether

' we are reading rows before (ReadPriorRows = True) or

' after (ReadPriorRows = False) StartLocation.

Dim Bookmark As Variant
Dim I As Long, RelPos As Long
Dim J As Integer, RowsFetched As Integer

' Get a bookmark for the start location

Bookmark = StartLocation

If ReadPriorRows Then
RelPos = -1 ' Requesting data in rows prior to
' StartLocation

RelPos = 1 ' Requesting data in rows after
' StartLocation

End If

RowsFetched = 0
For I = 0 To RowBuf.RowCount - 1
' Get the bookmark of the next available row

Bookmark = GetRelativeBookmark(Bookmark, RelPos)

' If the next row is BOF or EOF, then stop

' fetching and return any rows fetched up to this

' point.

If IsNull(Bookmark) Then Exit For

' Place the record data into the row buffer

For J = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
RowBuf.Value(I, J) = GetUserData(Bookmark, J)
Next J

' Set the bookmark for the row

RowBuf.Bookmark(I) = Bookmark

' Increment the count of fetched rows

RowsFetched = RowsFetched + 1
Next I

' Tell the grid how many rows we fetched

RowBuf.RowCount = RowsFetched
End Sub

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundGetRelativeBookmark( _
StartLocation As Variant, ByVal Offset As Long, _
NewLocation As Variant, ApproximatePosition As Long)

Dim Index As Long

' TDBGrid1 calls this routine each time it needs to

' reposition itself. StartLocation is a bookmark

' supplied by the grid to indicate the "current"

' position -- the row we are moving from. Offset is

' the number of rows we must move from StartLocation

' in order to arrive at the desired destination row.

' A positive offset means the desired record is after

' the StartLocation, and a negative offset means the

' desired record is before StartLocation.

' If StartLocation is NULL, then we are positioning

' from either BOF or EOF. Once we determine the

' correct index for StartLocation, we will simply add

' the offset to get the correct destination row.

If IsNull(StartLocation) Then
If Offset < 0 Then
' The row to position to is before the current

' one, therefore we must be at EOF (There are

' no rows before BOF). Since (MaxRow-1) is

' the index of the last record, we can use an

' index of (MaxRow) to represent EOF.

Index = MaxRow + Offset
' The row to position to is after the current

' one, therefore we must be at BOF (There are

' no rows after EOF). Since 0 is the index of

' the first record, we can use an index of -1

' to represent BOF.

Index = -1 + Offset
End If
' We are not at BOF or EOF, so just get the index

' of the current row and add the offset to it.

Index = Val(StartLocation) + Offset
End If

' Is the new Index valid?

If Index >= 0 And Index < MaxRow Then
' Here, 0 <= Index < MaxRow, so the new location is

' valid.

ApproximatePosition = Index
NewLocation = MakeBookmark(Index)
' The new index is out-of-bounds -- the new location

' refers to a position before the first record or

' after the last one. Thus the index is invalid,

' and we return Null.

NewLocation = Null
End If
End Sub

Private Function MakeBookmark(Index As Long) As Variant
' This support function is used only by the remaining

' support functions. It is not used directly by the

' unbound events. It is a good idea to create a

' MakeBookmark function such that all bookmarks can be

' created in the same way. Thus the method by which

' bookmarks are created is consistent and easy to

' modify. This function creates a bookmark when given

' an array row index.

' Since we have data stored in an array, we will just

' use the array index as our bookmark. We will convert

' it to a string first, using the CStr function.

MakeBookmark = CStr(Index)
End Function

Private Function IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark As Variant, _
ReadPriorRows As Boolean) As Long

' This support function is used only by the remaining

' support functions. It is not used directly by the

' unbound events.

' This function is the inverse of MakeBookmark. Given

' a bookmark, IndexFromBookmark returns the row index

' that the given bookmark refers to. If the given

' bookmark is Null, then it refers to BOF or EOF. In

' such a case, we need to use ReadPriorRows to

' distinguish between the two. If ReadPriorRows = True,

' the grid is requesting rows before the current

' location, so we must be at EOF, because no rows exist

' before BOF. Conversely, if ReadPriorRows = False,

' we must be at BOF.

Dim Index As Long

If IsNull(Bookmark) Then
If ReadPriorRows Then
' Bookmark refers to EOF. Since (MaxRow - 1)

' is the index of the last record, we can use

' an index of (MaxRow) to represent EOF.

IndexFromBookmark = MaxRow
' Bookmark refers to BOF. Since 0 is the

' index of the first record, we can use an

' index of -1 to represent BOF.

IndexFromBookmark = -1
End If
' Convert string to long integer

Index = Val(Bookmark)

' Check to see if the row index is valid:

' (0 <= Index < MaxRow).

' If not, set it to a large negative number to

' indicate that the bookmark is invalid.

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then Index = -9999
IndexFromBookmark = Index
End If
End Function

Private Function GetRelativeBookmark(Bookmark As Variant, _
RelPos As Long) As Variant
' GetRelativeBookmark is used to get a bookmark for a

' row that is a given number of rows away from the given

' row. This specific example will always use either -1

' or +1 for a relative position, since we will always be

' retrieving either the row previous to the current one,

' or the row following the current one.

' IndexFromBookmark expects a Bookmark and a Boolean

' value: this Boolean value is True if the next row to

' read is before the current one [in this case,

' (RelPos < 0) is True], or False if the next row to

' read is after the current one [(RelPos < 0) is False].

' This is necessary to distinguish between BOF and EOF

' in the IndexFromBookmark function if our bookmark is

' Null. Once we get the correct row index from

' IndexFromBookmark, we simply add RelPos to it to get

' the desired row index and create a bookmark using

' that index.

Dim Index As Long

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, RelPos < 0) + RelPos
If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then
' Index refers to a row before the first or after

' the last, so just return Null.

GetRelativeBookmark = Null
GetRelativeBookmark = MakeBookmark(Index)
End If
End Function

Private Function GetUserData(Bookmark As Variant, _
Col As Integer) As Variant
' In this example, GetUserData is called by

' UnboundReadData to ask the user what data should be

' displayed in a specific cell in the grid. The grid

' row the cell is in is the one referred to by the

' Bookmark parameter, and the column it is in it given

' by the Col parameter. GetUserData is called on a

' cell-by-cell basis.

Dim Index As Long

' Figure out which row the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Or _
Col < 0 Or Col >= MaxCol Then
' Cell position is invalid, so just return null

' to indicate failure

GetUserData = Null
GetUserData = GridArray(Col, Index)
End If
End Function

tutorial - Icursor -> Unbound1.vbp

' General declarations

Option Explicit

' Special Note: Variables that store Row indices will be

' of data type Long (It is reasonable to assume there may

' be larger than 32,767 rows). Those storing Column

' indices will be of type Integer. (It is very unlikely

' there will be more than 32,767 columns.)

Dim MaxCol As Integer ' Number of columns
Dim MaxRow As Long ' Number of rows
Dim GridArray() As Variant ' Array to store the data

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Initialize the data array. Data must be ready

' before the grid is loaded. Form_Load or Main is a

' good place to initialize the data.

Dim I As Integer ' column index
Dim J As Long ' row index
Dim C As TrueDBGrid70.Column
Dim Col2 As TrueDBGrid70.Column
Dim Col3 As TrueDBGrid70.Column

' Use a 4 columns by 100 rows array as data source.

' Since user will be allowed to add data to the grid,

' the array may grow in size.

' This tutorial project assumes there are 3 columns in

' the grid for simplicity. If you wish to change this

' number, you will need to modify the code below to

' add the correct number of columns.

MaxCol = 4

' You can change MaxRow to show a different number of

' rows when the program loads. MaxRow must be >= 0.

MaxRow = 100

If MaxRow > 0 Then
' If MaxRow = 0, then (MaxRow - 1) equals -1. This

' causes an error in the statement below, so we

' handle this special case in the Else clause.

ReDim GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 To MaxRow - 1)
ReDim GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0)
End If

For I = 0 To MaxCol - 1
For J = 0 To MaxRow - 1
GridArray(I, J) = "Row" + Str$(J) + ", Col" + Str$(I)
Next J
Next I

' You can configure the grid either at design time or

' run time. Assuming you have not done this at

' design-time, the following code configures a grid

' with 4 columns. By default, the grid already has 2

' columns, so we just need to add 2 more (don't forget

' to make the new column visible). The existing

' columns are numbered 0 and 1, so we will add new

' columns at positions 2 and 3.

Set C = TDBGrid1.Columns.Add(2)
C.Visible = True
Set C = TDBGrid1.Columns.Add(3)
C.Visible = True

' For the sake of efficiency, we use Column objects

' to reference column properties instead of repeatedly

' going through the grid's Columns collection object.

Set Col2 = TDBGrid1.Columns(2)
Set Col3 = TDBGrid1.Columns(3)

' Set column heading text

Col2.Caption = "Column 2"
Col3.Caption = "Column 3"

' Inform the grid of how many rows are in the data set.

' This helps with scroll bar positioning.

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Sub

Private Function StoreUserData(Bookmark As Variant, _
Col As Integer, Userval As Variant) As Boolean

' StoreUserData is called from UnboundWriteData to

' write the newly changed information in the grid to

' the array. This function is called once for each

' field that needs to be stored. The grid cell that

' this function is called to store is specified in

' the same way as in GetUserData.

Dim Index As Long

' Figure out which row the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)
If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Or Col < 0 Or _
Col >= MaxCol Then
' Cell position is invalid, so just return null

' to indicate failure

StoreUserData = False
StoreUserData = True
GridArray(Col, Index) = Userval
End If
End Function

' ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid60.RowBuffer, WriteLocation As Variant)

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundWriteData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, WriteLocation As Variant)

' The UnboundWriteData event is fired when the user

' modifies an existing row within an unbound grid and

' attempts to commit the changes by moving to another

' row or calling the Update method of the grid. This

' notifies the program that data has changed in the

' grid and it needs to be stored in the data source.

' RowBuf is the row buffer from which you retrieve the

' data to be stored in the data source. Since only one

' row can be updated at a time, RowBuf.RowCount always

' equals 1 here. If a particular column in the row has

' not been changed, its element in the RowBuf.Value

' array will be Null.

' WriteLocation is a bookmark that identifies the row

' to be updated.

' Assume that a function StoreUserData(bookmark, col,

' value) takes a row bookmark, a column index, and a

' variant with the appropriate data to be stored in an

' array or database. The function returns True if the

' data is acceptable and can be stored, False otherwise.

' Loop over all the columns of the row, storing non-Null

' values

Dim I As Integer

For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
If Not IsNull(RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
If Not StoreUserData(WriteLocation, I, _
RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
RowBuf.RowCount = 0 ' Tell the grid the
' update failed. so

Exit Sub ' so exit the event.
End If
End If
Next I

End Sub

' NewRowBookmark As Variant)

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundAddData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, NewRowBookmark As Variant)

' UnboundAddData is fired when the user adds a new row

' of data to an unbound grid to alert your application

' that it must add a new row of data to its unbound

' dataset. This event will NOT be fired if the grid's

' AllowAddNew property is set to False.

' Assume that a function StoreUserData(bookmark, col,

' value) takes a row bookmark, a column index, and a

' variant with the appropriate data to be stored in

' an array or database. The function returns True if

' the data is acceptable and can be stored, False

' otherwise.

' First, get a bookmark for the new row. Do this with

' a function, GetNewBookmark. This function allocates

' a new row of data in the storage medium (array or

' database), and returns a variant containing a

' bookmark for the added row.

Dim I As Integer
Dim NewVal As Variant

' Create a new row in the array and get a bookmark

' for the new row

NewRowBookmark = GetNewBookmark()

' Loop over all the columns of the row, storing

' non-Null values

For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
' Note that since only one row of data may be

' added at a time, the first index of the row

' buffer Value array is always 0.

NewVal = RowBuf.Value(0, I)
If IsNull(NewVal) Then
' The row buffer does not contain a value for

' this column. A default value should be set.

' A convenient value is the default value for

' the column.

NewVal = TDBGrid1.Columns(I).DefaultValue
End If

' Now store the new values.

If Not StoreUserData(NewRowBookmark, I, NewVal) Then
' Storage of the data has failed. Delete the

' added row using a function, DeleteRow, which

' takes a bookmark as an argument. Also,

' indicate that the update has failed by

' setting RowCount to 0.

DeleteRow NewRowBookmark
RowBuf.RowCount = 0
Exit Sub ' It failed, so exit the event.
End If
Next I
End Sub

Private Function GetNewBookmark() As Variant
' GetNewBookmark is called when we need to create a

' bookmark for a newly added record (row).

' Reserve space for the new row in the array

ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 To MaxRow)

' Since the row index of the last record is (MaxRow - 1),

' the next available index for the row to be added is

' (MaxRow), so create a bookmark for the new row using

' MaxRow as an index.

GetNewBookmark = MakeBookmark(MaxRow)

' Increment the number of rows in our dataset

MaxRow = MaxRow + 1

' Calibrate the scroll bars based on the new dataset

' size.

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Function

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundDeleteRow(Bookmark As Variant)
' UnboundDeleteRow is fired when the user deletes an

' existing row in the Unbound grid. This event

' alerts the user that the program must delete the

' row specified by the Bookmark parameter from the

' dataset. Here, an auxiliary function (DeleteRow)

' is used to do this.

If Not DeleteRow(Bookmark) Then Bookmark = Null
End Sub

Private Function DeleteRow(Bookmark As Variant) As Boolean
' DeleteRow is called to logically delete a record

' (row) from the array. The row to be deleted is

' specified by the Bookmark parameter.

Dim I As Long, Index As Long
Dim J As Integer

' Figure out which row index the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then
' Row index is invalid, so exit the delete,

' indicating failure.

DeleteRow = False
Exit Function
End If

' Decrement the number of rows in the dataset

MaxRow = MaxRow - 1

' Shift the data in the array to fill the empty space

' vacated by the deleted row

For I = Index To MaxRow - 1
For J = 0 To MaxCol - 1
GridArray(J, I) = GridArray(J, I + 1)
Next J
Next I

' Resize array to free storage space used by deleted

' row

If MaxRow > 0 Then
' If MaxRow = 0, then (MaxRow - 1) equals -1.

' This causes an error in the statement below, so

' we handle this special case in the Else clause.

ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0 _
To MaxRow - 1)
ReDim Preserve GridArray(0 To MaxCol - 1, 0)
End If
DeleteRow = True

' Calibrate scroll bars based on new dataset size

TDBGrid1.ApproxCount = MaxRow
End Function

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundReadData(ByVal RowBuf As TrueDBGrid70.RowBuffer, StartLocation As Variant, ByVal ReadPriorRows As Boolean)
' UnboundReadData is fired by an unbound grid whenever

' it requires data for display. This event will fire

' when the grid is first shown, when Refresh or ReBind

' is used, when the grid is scrolled, and after a

' record in the grid is modified and the user commits

' the change by moving off of the current row. The

' grid fetches data in "chunks", and the number of rows

' the grid is asking for is given by RowBuf.RowCount.

' RowBuf is the row buffer where you place the data and

' the bookmarks for the rows that the grid is requesting

' to display. It will also hold the number of rows that

' were successfully supplied to the grid.

' StartLocation is a bookmark which specifies the row

' before or after the desired data, depending on the

' value of ReadPriorRows. If we are reading rows after

' StartLocation (ReadPriorRows = False), then the first

' row of data the grid wants is the row after

' StartLocation, and if we are reading rows before

' StartLocation (ReadPriorRows = True) then the first

' row of data the grid wants is the row before

' StartLocation.

' ReadPriorRows is a boolean value indicating whether

' we are reading rows before (ReadPriorRows = True) or

' after (ReadPriorRows = False) StartLocation.

Dim Bookmark As Variant
Dim I As Long, RelPos As Long
Dim J As Integer, RowsFetched As Integer

' Get a bookmark for the start location

Bookmark = StartLocation

If ReadPriorRows Then
RelPos = -1 ' Requesting data in rows prior to
' StartLocation

RelPos = 1 ' Requesting data in rows after
' StartLocation

End If

RowsFetched = 0
For I = 0 To RowBuf.RowCount - 1
' Get the bookmark of the next available row

Bookmark = GetRelativeBookmark(Bookmark, RelPos)

' If the next row is BOF or EOF, then stop

' fetching and return any rows fetched up to this

' point.

If IsNull(Bookmark) Then Exit For

' Place the record data into the row buffer

For J = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
RowBuf.Value(I, J) = GetUserData(Bookmark, J)
Next J

' Set the bookmark for the row

RowBuf.Bookmark(I) = Bookmark

' Increment the count of fetched rows

RowsFetched = RowsFetched + 1
Next I

' Tell the grid how many rows we fetched

RowBuf.RowCount = RowsFetched
End Sub

Private Sub TDBGrid1_UnboundGetRelativeBookmark( _
StartLocation As Variant, ByVal Offset As Long, _
NewLocation As Variant, ApproximatePosition As Long)

Dim Index As Long

' TDBGrid1 calls this routine each time it needs to

' reposition itself. StartLocation is a bookmark

' supplied by the grid to indicate the "current"

' position -- the row we are moving from. Offset is

' the number of rows we must move from StartLocation

' in order to arrive at the desired destination row.

' A positive offset means the desired record is after

' the StartLocation, and a negative offset means the

' desired record is before StartLocation.

' If StartLocation is NULL, then we are positioning

' from either BOF or EOF. Once we determine the

' correct index for StartLocation, we will simply add

' the offset to get the correct destination row.

If IsNull(StartLocation) Then
If Offset < 0 Then
' The row to position to is before the current

' one, therefore we must be at EOF (There are

' no rows before BOF). Since (MaxRow-1) is

' the index of the last record, we can use an

' index of (MaxRow) to represent EOF.

Index = MaxRow + Offset
' The row to position to is after the current

' one, therefore we must be at BOF (There are

' no rows after EOF). Since 0 is the index of

' the first record, we can use an index of -1

' to represent BOF.

Index = -1 + Offset
End If
' We are not at BOF or EOF, so just get the index

' of the current row and add the offset to it.

Index = Val(StartLocation) + Offset
End If

' Is the new Index valid?

If Index >= 0 And Index < MaxRow Then
' Here, 0 <= Index < MaxRow, so the new location is

' valid.

ApproximatePosition = Index
NewLocation = MakeBookmark(Index)
' The new index is out-of-bounds -- the new location

' refers to a position before the first record or

' after the last one. Thus the index is invalid,

' and we return Null.

NewLocation = Null
End If
End Sub

Private Function MakeBookmark(Index As Long) As Variant
' This support function is used only by the remaining

' support functions. It is not used directly by the

' unbound events. It is a good idea to create a

' MakeBookmark function such that all bookmarks can be

' created in the same way. Thus the method by which

' bookmarks are created is consistent and easy to

' modify. This function creates a bookmark when given

' an array row index.

' Since we have data stored in an array, we will just

' use the array index as our bookmark. We will convert

' it to a string first, using the CStr function.

MakeBookmark = CStr(Index)
End Function

Private Function IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark As Variant, _
ReadPriorRows As Boolean) As Long

' This support function is used only by the remaining

' support functions. It is not used directly by the

' unbound events.

' This function is the inverse of MakeBookmark. Given

' a bookmark, IndexFromBookmark returns the row index

' that the given bookmark refers to. If the given

' bookmark is Null, then it refers to BOF or EOF. In

' such a case, we need to use ReadPriorRows to

' distinguish between the two. If ReadPriorRows = True,

' the grid is requesting rows before the current

' location, so we must be at EOF, because no rows exist

' before BOF. Conversely, if ReadPriorRows = False,

' we must be at BOF.

Dim Index As Long

If IsNull(Bookmark) Then
If ReadPriorRows Then
' Bookmark refers to EOF. Since (MaxRow - 1)

' is the index of the last record, we can use

' an index of (MaxRow) to represent EOF.

IndexFromBookmark = MaxRow
' Bookmark refers to BOF. Since 0 is the

' index of the first record, we can use an

' index of -1 to represent BOF.

IndexFromBookmark = -1
End If
' Convert string to long integer

Index = Val(Bookmark)

' Check to see if the row index is valid:

' (0 <= Index < MaxRow).

' If not, set it to a large negative number to

' indicate that the bookmark is invalid.

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then Index = -9999
IndexFromBookmark = Index
End If
End Function

Private Function GetRelativeBookmark(Bookmark As Variant, _
RelPos As Long) As Variant
' GetRelativeBookmark is used to get a bookmark for a

' row that is a given number of rows away from the given

' row. This specific example will always use either -1

' or +1 for a relative position, since we will always be

' retrieving either the row previous to the current one,

' or the row following the current one.

' IndexFromBookmark expects a Bookmark and a Boolean

' value: this Boolean value is True if the next row to

' read is before the current one [in this case,

' (RelPos < 0) is True], or False if the next row to

' read is after the current one [(RelPos < 0) is False].

' This is necessary to distinguish between BOF and EOF

' in the IndexFromBookmark function if our bookmark is

' Null. Once we get the correct row index from

' IndexFromBookmark, we simply add RelPos to it to get

' the desired row index and create a bookmark using

' that index.

Dim Index As Long

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, RelPos < 0) + RelPos
If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Then
' Index refers to a row before the first or after

' the last, so just return Null.

GetRelativeBookmark = Null
GetRelativeBookmark = MakeBookmark(Index)
End If
End Function

Private Function GetUserData(Bookmark As Variant, _
Col As Integer) As Variant
' In this example, GetUserData is called by

' UnboundReadData to ask the user what data should be

' displayed in a specific cell in the grid. The grid

' row the cell is in is the one referred to by the

' Bookmark parameter, and the column it is in it given

' by the Col parameter. GetUserData is called on a

' cell-by-cell basis.

Dim Index As Long

' Figure out which row the bookmark refers to

Index = IndexFromBookmark(Bookmark, False)

If Index < 0 Or Index >= MaxRow Or _
Col < 0 Or Col >= MaxCol Then
' Cell position is invalid, so just return null

' to indicate failure

GetUserData = Null
GetUserData = GridArray(Col, Index)
End If
End Function

( grigliainserimentodirowetestonellagriglia.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023