
Public Function HasUppercase(TextBox As Object)
For i = 65 To 90 'i equals every letter from "A" to "Z"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Uppercase"
'Searches for letters A to Z (i), and ifi is present,Display a box.

next i
End Function

Public Function HasLowercase(TextBox As Object)
For i = 97 To 122 'i equals every letter from "a" to "z"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Lowercase"
'Searches for letters a to z (i), and ifi is present, Display a box.

Next i
End Function

Public Function HasNumeric(TextBox As Object)
For i = 0 To 9 'i equals every number from "0" to "9"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, i) Then MsgBox "Has Numeric"
'Searches for numbers 0 to 9 (i), and ifi is present, Display a box.

Next i
End Function

Public Function HasAccentchars(TextBox As Object)
For i = 128 To 223 'i equals every character from "€" to "ß"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Accented Characters"
'Searches for accent characters € to ß (i), and if i is present, Display a box.

Next i
End Function
Message Box if the Function returns true

ASCII Codes, atleast add on to it, search for ASCII
Gen and you will find one of my ASCII code generators.

( hasstring.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023