IfFileExist (2)

Function Exists(Path As String, File As Boolean) As Boolean
'Returns true if the file or directory passed exists...

'If the Path is a file, then File is True,

'else it is a directory.

On Error Goto Exit_Exists
If File Then
If Dir(Path) > "" Then
FileExists = True
End If
If Dir(Path, vbDirectory) > "" Then
FileExists = True
End If
End If
End Function

If FileExists (FilePath, FileName) = True Then
MsgBox "File already exists!"
MsgBox "File does Not exist."
End If

FilePath = String: Any valid directory path
FileName = String: Valid file name in FilePath Directory.

Returns:True = File exists
False = File does Not exist

( iffileexist2.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023