
Function AlphaSpell(TextIn)
'Alpha Spell converts a string into the international

'alphabet It ignores and removes anything that isnot a

'letter of the alphabet/number

TextOut = ""
TextIn = UCase(TextIn)
For X = 1 To Len(TextIn)
ConvertChar = Mid(TextIn, X, 1)
Select Case ConvertChar
Case "A"
TextOut = TextOut & "alpha "
Case "B"
TextOut = TextOut & "bravo "
Case "C"
TextOut = TextOut & "charlie "
Case "D"
TextOut = TextOut & "delta "
Case "E"
TextOut = TextOut & "echo "
Case "F"
TextOut = TextOut & "foxtrot "
Case "G"
TextOut = TextOut & "golf "
Case "H"
TextOut = TextOut & "hotel "
Case "I"
TextOut = TextOut & "india "
Case "J"
TextOut = TextOut & "juliet "
Case "K"
TextOut = TextOut & "kilo "
Case "L"
TextOut = TextOut & "lima "
Case "M"
TextOut = TextOut & "mike "
Case "N"
TextOut = TextOut & "november "
Case "O"
TextOut = TextOut & "oscar "
Case "P"
TextOut = TextOut & "papa "
Case "Q"
TextOut = TextOut & "quebec "
Case "R"
TextOut = TextOut & "romeo "
Case "S"
TextOut = TextOut & "sierra "
Case "T"
TextOut = TextOut & "tango "
Case "U"
TextOut = TextOut & "uniform "
Case "V"
TextOut = TextOut & "victor "
Case "W"
TextOut = TextOut & "whiskey "
Case "X"
TextOut = TextOut & "x-ray "
Case "Y"
TextOut = TextOut & "yankee "
Case "Z"
TextOut = TextOut & "zulu "
Case "1"
TextOut = TextOut & "one "
Case "2"
TextOut = TextOut & "two "
Case "3"
TextOut = TextOut & "three "
Case "4"
TextOut = TextOut & "four "
Case "5"
TextOut = TextOut & "five "
Case "6"
TextOut = TextOut & "six "
Case "7"
TextOut = TextOut & "seven "
Case "8"
TextOut = TextOut & "eight "
Case "9"
TextOut = TextOut & "nine "
Case "0"
TextOut = TextOut & "zero "
End Select
Next X
AlphaSpell = UCase(TextOut)
End Function
Inputs:All it needs is TextIn (a string)
Returns:It returns a string (capitalised)
Assumes:You need to know how to use a function.

( internatchar.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023