

Public Sub AddComboItem( _
cboAdd As ComboBox, _
ByVal sText As String, _
ByVal lData As Long)
cboAdd.AddItem sText
cboAdd.ItemData(cboAdd.NewIndex) = lData
End Sub


Public Function CurrComboData( _
cbo As ComboBox) As Long
If cbo.ListIndex <> -1 Then
CurrComboData = cbo.ItemData(cbo.ListIndex)
CurrComboData = -1
End If
End Function

I often need to add items to a ComboBox and store an
index or ID value in the ItemData property. I've found
that the code needed to add items to the ComboBox and
to check the ItemData property of the currently
selected item looks clumsy. So, I've written two simple
helper routines to clean the code up a bit.
Here they are:

Now, instead of writing
cboTest.AddItem "Hello"
cboTest.ItemData(cboTest.NewIndex) = 5
you can just write
AddComboItem cboTest, "Hello",5
Instead of writing
ID = cboTest.ItemData(cboTest.ListIndex)
you can write
ID = CurrComboData( cboTest )
As an added bonus, CurrComboData protects you from
the runtime error generated if ListIndex is -1.
Just be sure to check for a return of -1 from

( itemcombo.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023