
Public Function LineCurve(FormCurve As Form, X1 As Double, _
Y1 As Double, X2 As Double, Y2 As Double, X3 As Double, Y3 As Double)
Dim CurrentLine as Integer
'In case for some reason there's an error, ignore it

On Error Resume Next
'Makes the lines have a width of 1

FormCurve.DrawWidth = 1
'Makes sure the lines stay on the form

FormCurve.AutoRedraw = True
'A loop to draw the lines

'Change the 3 to a higher number to get less lines or a lower

'To Get more lines

For CurrentLine = 0 To 100 Step 3
'Draws the lines

FormCurve.Line (X1 + ((X2 - X1) / 100 * CurrentLine), Y1 + _
((Y2 - Y1) / 100 * CurrentLine))-(X2 - ((X2 - X3) / 100 * _
CurrentLine), Y2 - ((Y2 - Y3) / 100 * CurrentLine))
Next CurrentLine
end function

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Makes the first point the top left of the form

'The second point is at the bottom left

'The third is at the bottom right

LineCurve Form1, 0, 0, 0, Form1.ScaleHeight, Form1.ScaleWidth, _
End Sub

A Form: formcurve
3 Points:
Point1: X1, Y1
Point2: X2, Y2
Point3: X3, Y3

( linecurve.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023