Link - Collegamento sul desktop, avvio, programmi

Link - Collegamento sul desktop, avvio, programmi

Link - Collegamento sul desktop, avvio, programmi visual basic 6

trovato su

nel modulo:
Option Explicit

Public Declare Function fCreateShellLink Lib "vb6stkit.dll" (ByVal lpstrFolderName As String, _
ByVal lpstrLinkName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkPath As String, _
ByVal lpstrLinkArguments As String, ByVal fPrivate As Long, _
ByVal sParent As String) As Long

nel form o dove vuoi

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim strGroupName As String, strLinkName As String
Dim strLinkPath As String, strLinkArguments As String
Dim fPrivate As Boolean, sParent As String
Dim fSuccess As Boolean

strLinkName = "Paolo the genius"
strLinkPath = App.Path & "\Paolo.exe"
strLinkArguments = ""
fPrivate = True ' Add shortcut to desktop.
strGroupName = "..\..\Desktop"
sParent = "$(Programs)"
fSuccess = fCreateShellLink(strGroupName & vbNullChar, strLinkName, strLinkPath, strLinkArguments & vbNullChar, fPrivate, sParent)
'the path should never be enclosed in double quotes

If fSuccess Then
MsgBox "Created desktop shortcut"
MsgBox "Unable to create desktop shortcut"
End If

' Add shortcut to Programs menu.

strGroupName = "$(Programs)"
sParent = "$(Programs)"
fSuccess = fCreateShellLink(strGroupName & vbNullChar, strLinkName, strLinkPath, strLinkArguments & vbNullChar, _
fPrivate, sParent)
'the path should never be enclosed in double quotes

If fSuccess Then
MsgBox "Created shortcut on Programs menu"
MsgBox "Unable to create shortcut on Programs menu"
End If

' Add shortcut to Startup folder of Programs menu.

strGroupName = "Esecuzione automatica" ' "Startup"
sParent = "$(Programs)"
fSuccess = fCreateShellLink(strGroupName & vbNullChar, strLinkName, strLinkPath, strLinkArguments & vbNullChar, fPrivate, sParent)
'the path should never be enclosed in double quotes

If fSuccess Then
MsgBox "Created shortcut in Startup folder"
MsgBox "Unable to create shortcut in Startup folder"
End If
End Sub

( linkcollegamentosuldesktopavvioprogrammi.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023