
Public Sub ListStrToArray(ByVal sOrigStr As String, ByRef sArray() As String, Optional lCols As Long, Optional lRows As Long)

' This routine gets a string in the format


' Item 1 | item 2 | item 3 | item 4 |


' And returns an array of these items (the | is a pipe symbol)


Dim nRows As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lPos2 As Long
Dim bOver As Boolean
Dim lTRowCount As Long
Dim lTColCount As Long
Dim nCols As Long

Dim lCount As Long

On Error GoTo vbErrorHandler

If lRows > 0 Then
nRows = lRows
nRows = ItemCount(sOrigStr, "|")
End If

If lCols > 0 Then
nCols = lCols
nCols = 1
End If

ReDim sArray(nCols, nRows)

lPos = 0
lCount = 0
lTRowCount = 1
lTColCount = 1

lPos2 = InStr(lPos + 1, sOrigStr, "|")

If lPos2 = 0 And lPos = 0 Then
lCount = 1
Exit Do
If lPos2 = 0 Then
If Mid$(sOrigStr, lPos + 1, 1) <> "" Then
lCount = lCount + 1
lPos2 = Len(sOrigStr) + 1
sArray(lTColCount, lTRowCount) = Mid$(sOrigStr, lPos + 1, lPos2 - lPos - 1)
Exit Do
Exit Do
End If

sArray(lTColCount, lTRowCount) = Mid$(sOrigStr, lPos + 1, lPos2 - lPos - 1)
'lTRowCount = lTRowCount + 1

lTColCount = lTColCount + 1
If lTColCount > nCols Then
lTColCount = 1
lTRowCount = lTRowCount + 1
End If
End If
End If

lCount = lCount + 1
lPos = lPos2

Exit Sub

Err.Raise Err.Number, "StrHandler.ListStrToArray", Err.Description
End Sub

( liststrtoarray.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023