
Public Sub LoadStringTable(jForm As Form)
Dim ctl As Control
'loop through all controls on the form

For Each ctl In jForm.Controls
If Len(ctl.Tag) > 0 Then
Select Case Left(ctl.Name, 3)
'test name property to see what kind of

'control it is. Must use good naming conventions

Case "lbl", "cmd", "fra", "opt", "chk"
'label, command button, frame, option

ctl.Caption = LoadResString(ctl.Tag)
ctl.ToolTipText = LoadResString(ctl.Tag + 1)
Case "cbo", "lst", "txt"
'text boxtes, combo boxes, and list boxes

ctl.ToolTipText = LoadResString(ctl.Tag)
Case Else
'add select case statements using the

'hungarian notation of your controls

End Select
End If
'load string for form (form is not in controls collection)

jForm.Caption = LoadResString(jForm.Tag)
End Sub


'Bonus code to center form


Public Sub CenterForm(jForm As Form)
jForm.Left = (Screen.Width - jForm.Width) \ 2
jForm.Top = (Screen.Height - jForm.Height) \ 2
End Sub


'Place the following code in the form's code window


Private Sub Form_Load()
LoadStringTable Me
CenterForm Me
End Sub
Create a new standard EXE project.

Place controls on the form and set their properties as
Label NamelblSample
Caption <blank>
Tag 101
Tag 103

Create a resource file. Add a second string table to
see how languages work. And I know that I don't know
Populate it with the following

101Your Label Caption Deine Label Worde
102Your Label ToolTipText Deine Arbeitssprache
103The TextBox ToolTipText Deine arbeitsworken

Add a standard module to the project and place
the following code in it

( localize.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023